Your Mileage May Vary

“Huge Drug Bust” At London Gatwick Turned Out To Be Something Very Different

The British Transport Police is the national police for the railways in the U.K.. Every day they watch over the journeys of over 6,000,000 passengers, with the goal of getting them home, safe and sound.

The job of the BTP has been getting more and more difficult, with a higher influx of people taking trains across England, Scotland and Wales on a daily basis. In fact, in 2018/2019, there were 68,313 notifiable crimes. However there were only 60,867 in 2017/2018, so there was an increase of 12%.

There was one crime, however, that they probably could have skipped over.

A “huge drug bust” was recently coordinated by the BTP in collaboration with the British Home Office.

The police seized a suitcase with over two dozen bags of white powder at London Gatwick last week. They immediately had them tested, due to the suspicion that the powder was illegal drugs.

It wasn’t.

It was vegan cake mix.

The owner of the suitcase was a staff member of Purezza, a vegan restaurant with locations in London and Brighton. He was bringing the cake mix on its way to the restaurant in Brighton, when the cops took it, thinking it was cocaine or somesuch.

The owners of Purezza apparently had a good sense of humor (OK, OK…humour) about the whole thing – here’s their reply Tweet to BTP Sussex:

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I also appreciated that BTP also saw the funny in the whole thing. I mean, I’m sure they’ve had batter drug busts. 😉 (nope, I’m not that clever – I totally stole that joke from the NY Daily News)

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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