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I’ve Heard Of Gifts For Fellow Passengers When A Crying Baby’s On A Plane But This Is Ridiculous!

a group of candy in plastic bags

I think we’ve all heard about people who bring babies onto planes and, anticipating the (s)he’s going to cry, offering gifts of ear plugs and other stuff like candy for fellow passengers, along with a cute little note that explains it’s the baby’s first flight, (s)he might cry, please forgive him/her, etc. However this family has taken apologies to a whole new level…

Alan Tattersall, a resident of Victoria, Australia, was flying 32 hours on a business trip from Melbourne to Houston. He also apparently snores. Loudly. VERY loudly.

Concerned that his snoring would interrupt the sleep of others, his step-daughter Grace, 17, and wife Ros, 54, created 10 mini care packages for the passengers around him.

Each care package contained two chocolate bars, a pair of ear plugs and a hand written apology:

“Hi. Enjoy your trip today. We thought you might be in need of a little assistance if Alan falls asleep – so hope this little care package helps.

“Love and blessings, Ros and Grace. P.S. the snoring usually only lasts a short time – while he falls asleep.”

According to reports from LAD Bible, Alan was more than a little surprised when his family gave him the care packages to hand out. He knew he snored, but apparently not to the extent that Grace and Ros said.

Grace said: “At times, Alan’s snoring is pretty loud. It’s when he’s falling asleep – it can be pretty serious. He was in full swing one night before he left [to go to Houston], which is what convinced us the packages would be a great idea.

“He’s used to me joking around and we thought it’d be a good idea to make some packs for Alan to hand out before take off,” said Grace.

Alan apparently gave out most of the care packages, albeit sheepishly. Of his care-package-giving-out adventure, he said:

“One of the problems I had is when people get on planes nowadays, they’re immediately watching a film and putting their own headphones on anyway!


“The passengers really weren’t into communicating very much, so I had to give them out at the beginning before take off.

“I handed a packet to the last person and she opened it up straight away and read the note. The others just thought it was strange and didn’t know what to say, but she chuckled to herself.”

Personally, I’m not sure I feel worse for…the poor passengers who didn’t get ear plugs, or poor Alan, whose family put him up to this.

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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