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How To Get A Passport From Another Country

a group of different colored passports

Many Americans would like to think that because they live in the greatest country in the world, theirs are the most powerful passports out there. However, unfortunately for us, that’s not the least bit true. According to the Henley Passport Index, which periodically measures the access each country’s travel document affords, the U.S. currently ties for the 6th best passport to have. So also having a passport from another country may be able to gain you easier access to places that U.S. passports can’t.

That situation is usually reserved for people who were born in one county and then moved to the United States; it’s called dual citizenship. However, if you weren’t born in another country, and still want to access to a passport from a different country, it’s still technically possible…

You buy one.

Well, not a passport; you can’t buy a passport from another country just because you want one (that’d be COOL, though!). Instead, if you purchase property in certain countries, you’re eligible for a residence visa. Once you have established residency, you may be able to get a passport – but the rules vary from country to country (i.e. for Greece, you don’t have to spend any time in the country but you’re required to be able to read & write in Greek, but in Latvia you’d have to live there full time for 12 months before you can apply for naturalization. Meanwhile, you’d only have to spend a week or two at a time in Portugal).

Of course, the property purchases have to be significant. Here are a few examples, as per Forbes (prices accurate as of the first half of 2019):

Obviously, some major research would need to be done before considering these or the options of any other country ;-).

A U.S. passport allows you to enter 183 destinations without a visa, and another 43 with one. Frankly, with those kinds of prices, that’s good enough for me. As always, Your Mileage May Vary.

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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