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U.S. Airports Asking For COVID-19 Relief Package

airplanes parked at an airport

Airports Council International – North America (ACI-NA), represents local, regional, and state governing bodies that own and operate commercial airports in the United States and Canada. Their mission is, “to advocate policies and provide services that strengthen commercial airports’ ability to serve their passengers, customers and communities.”

And they’re currently working with Congress and the Administration to include airports in a Covid-19 relief package.

Airports make their money in a variety of ways (and when times are good, they make a lot of it). However if people don’t fly, that income disappears. Of course, due to coronavirus, much of the public has been unable and/or unwilling to fly, a trend that’s expected to continue for an indeterminate amount of time.  So with that, according to ACI-NA’s most recent financial forecast, U.S. airports are projected to lose close to $14 billion, at a minimum, during the 2020 calendar year (their preliminary estimate the previous week had been $3.7 billion – they changed that pretty quickly). This estimate is based on:

U.S. airports currently have outstanding debts of about $100 billion and need to pay $7.4 billion in cash to service those debt obligations. They’ve also needed to pay significantly more in custodial costs due to, “more frequent cleaning of public areas and restrooms, more and upgraded supplies, extra shifts and staffing, additional hand sanitizers in airport public areas for passengers and employees, and additional education and training for airport employees and contractors.”

All those expenses add up, so while airlines, hotels, restaurants, the NY Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Boeing and the travel & tourism industries are all asking for federal assistance, so are airports.

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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