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A New Reason Why You Shouldn’t Use A Hotel Iron Or Coffee Maker

a coffee machine and coffee cups


We’ve written several times about a variety of hotel room hacks. There’s the desk hack, the thermostat hack and the curtains hack. We’re always looking at videos showing the strangest ideas people have and some of them don’t end well, such as this one and this one.

If there’s one thing I like to watch more than travel hack videos, it’s food videos. Whether it’s how to make food or great places to eat, I’m hooked. I’m also a fan of comedy videos. In particular, I love videos that make fun of travel or cooking videos.

All of my interests converged in an Uncle Roger video. If you don’t know, Uncle Roger is a character of Malaysian comedian Nigel Ng, who comments on cooking videos. Specifically videos of non-Asian people attempting to cook Asian meals. However, in this particular video, he watches as someone brags about cooking food in a hotel room using the coffeemaker and iron.

If you’ve never watched one of Uncle Roger’s videos before, beware that there’s some NSFW language and his character’s accent may be considered offensive. However, the accent is not the funny part of the video. It’s his commentary on everything that’s wrong about cooking food in a hotel room using a coffee maker and iron.

The second half of the video is about someone who tries to cook a gourmet meal with only a coffee maker. For this, I can only ask why you would attempt to do it in the first place and then serve the outcome to people you call friends.

Some people may view this type of extreme hack as a challenge. Proving it’s possible is what’s important, not particularly the quality of the result.

To these people, I share a quote that I came up with after we visited wineries all over the US and other parts of the world.

Just because you can grow grapes somewhere, does not mean you should make wine.

The same goes for cooking with your hotel coffeepot. Because you can doesn’t mean you should.

Thanks for attending my TED talk.

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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