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Flight Attendant’s “Stupid Human Trick”: Fun Or Gross?

a woman in red coat standing in an airplane

Flight attendants have a difficult job. So I don’t blame them for occasionally coming up with something that’s done specifically to lighten the mood a little.

But sometimes the fun and games might go a little too far and cross the line.

Case in point is a video that was posted on Reddit not long ago, of an airline crew that was filmed sliding snacks on the floor during take off. Since the plane is at an angle, the (granted, wrapped) snacks slide towards the back of the plane, unless passengers pick them up. It must have happened relatively recently because everyone is wearing masks. Click on the video below to take a look:

The video had over 300 comments and a 98% “upvote” ( meaning people agreed/liked). Replies to the video ran the gamut:

My take on it

Frankly, I’m kind of torn 😉

The snacks, whatever they were, were clearly packaged. If there’s no visible dirt on the packaging and you wipe it off thoroughly, AND clean your hands between that wiping and tearing the package open and eating, I think the amount of germs you’d pick up is negligible for someone with a typical immune system.

On the other hand, there’s still the knowledge that the food slid on the floor. Even the plane was just cleaned before the passengers arrived (or maybe it was the first flight of the day and it was a “deep” cleaning, those coupla hundred people JUST WALKED on that floor. So there are the psychological ramifications of eating something from the floor.

Oh, and there was also this reply:

Well, yeah…there’s that too.

But what do you say? Would you eat those snacks if you got them on a plane that way?

Feature Photo: Austrian Airlines (flight attendant in photo is not the flight attendant mentioned in the above article)

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