Your Mileage May Vary

Hawaii Raises Rental Car Fees For Tourists and Kama’aina

When you have a big trip coming up, it always pays to check on all of your reservations before the trip. I remember this tip from a way back when Gary posted about ‘gardening your reservations.’ By doing this, you can make sure that all of your award tickets have been ticketed, your hotel reservations have not disappeared and your rental car is still reserved.

While doing this, I saw that our rental car reservation had increased in price from my previous confirmation email.

Here are the original taxes for our rental car.

a close-up of a price list

And here’s what I found when checking yesterday.

The difference was in the State and Customer Facility Charge. Doing a bit of looking online, I found this post by Island Miler, which warned about an upcoming increase in rental car fees. HB 485 went into effect and increased the tax by $0.50 each year from 1/1/2022 to 12/31/2027. So every car rental in Hawaii will cost 50 cents extra per day and will continue to go up every year until 2027.

Since this is an increase in taxes and not the rental car fee, Hertz isn’t required to inform renters of the rise in price for their rentals. Given the cost of rental cars in Hawaii right now, I doubt many guests will notice a $1 to $3 increase in the price from what they originally booked.

Kama’aina (locals) who need to rent a car when traveling between islands will also have to pay the increased fees. The only ones exempt are persons whose vehicles have been stolen and are unrecovered or will not be repaired due to total loss.

Fifty cents a day might not seem to be much, but depending on how often you rent a car and the duration of the rental, this charge can start to add up. In 2027, rentals will pay 3 dollars a day in additional taxes from what they paid in 2021.

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

Cover Photo by daveynin on Flickr

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