One way that banks try to get you to use their credit cards is to offer spending bonuses. While the idea is the same, the way they each go about it is quite different. AMEX prefers to use its AMEX Offers portal to list all of the available bonuses. Chase and Citi instead go with a targeted email approach.
For example, I recently received this email for our CitiBusiness / AAdvantage Platinum Select Mastercard.
Upon reading the fine print, the offer is good for up to 2,500 bonus miles on purchases at Consumer Electronics Stores. The way Citi words offers is always confusing. In this case, you can earn an additional 4x miles on up to $625 in purchases.
Because this is a business card, there’s an additional qualifier on the bonus.
AAdvantage bonus miles are only earned on eligible business purchases.
I have no idea how Citi will determine if the iPad you’re purchasing from Best Buy is a business or personal purchase, but it was interesting that they added that wording to the offer.
It’s been my experience that Citi sends out these offers in waves, and they can vary from account to account. I’ll keep my eyes out to see if I get any offers on our other Citi cards.
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