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Blisters On Vacation: Should You Pop Or Not & How To Avoid Getting Them

a drawing of a foot and a sun

If there’s one thing that can put a damper on a vacation that requires a lot of walking, it’s getting one or more blisters on your feet. Blisters HURT. Sometimes they’re inevitable, but with some planning, you may be able to avoid them. Or if not, we’ve got some advice on what to do with them…including the age-old question: “Should I pop a blister, or no?”

Blisters are a pain. Literally and figuratively. There are several different causes for them – friction, sunburn, infection, etc., but we’re going to focus on the ones you usually get on your feet when walking around a lot, which are usually called by friction (rubbing).

Blisters (again, the friction/rubbing type ones) are liquid-filled bubbles that happen to the top layers of your skin. It’s your skin’s way to protect the more sensitive layers of skin underneath from further injury caused by the ongoing rubbing.

The skin underneath the blister will be raw and susceptible to infection. Therefore, DO NOT POP THE BLISTER. Popping it will (A) remove the cushion of liquid that’s protecting the under layers of your skin and (B) will open the under layers of skin to the air, which puts you at more risk of infection. If the item you used to pop the blister isn’t sterile, you also have the germs from that putting your blister at risk for becoming infected.

Of course, at this point, I will tell you that I’m not offering this as medical advice, confer with your doctor, blah blah blah. But Dr. Google even agrees with me, as you can see via, among others:

Anyway, while you still have your blister, you’ll want to protect it. This page from Healthline explains how to use moleskin to protect the area. Here’s a video that explains it, too:

Moleskin is available at pharmacies in the same area where they keep other foot products. If not, it might be in the area with the bandages.

How To Prevent Blisters From Happening

Even more important than protecting your blister(s) once you have it/them is to prevent getting them in the first place. There are a couple of ways to do this:

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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