Your Mileage May Vary

Hotels Go Green by Removing Bottled Water

Sharon and I occasionally have something to complain about when we stay at hotels. We’ve stayed in hotels where there aren’t enough pillows, power outlets, lights or towels. Then there are the rooms that only have one nightstand or where only one person in bed can comfortably watch TV. And don’t even get me started on rooms that only have one chair, which means someone has to eat, work or get dressed on the bed.

But there are times when a hotel does something that makes perfect sense, and you wonder why it took them so long to come up with the idea. That’s what happened when we stayed at a Hotel Indigo property.

Bottled water in your hotel room has  been an amenity for years. Most hotels include bottled water as a benefit of paying resort or destination fees, and loyal customers with hotel status receive complimentary bottled water as a reward for their continued business.

two bottles of water in a white box

If I remember to bring my own refillable water bottle, I’ll fill it at one of the water dispensers before leaving the airport. Water bottle fillers have become increasingly common as more and more people carry water with them wherever they go.

But until now, bottled water was the only option at a hotel if you didn’t want to drink out of the bathroom tap. That wasn’t the case at the Hotel Indigo where we recently stayed.

Hotel Indigo is a boutique hotel brand under the InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG). It was founded in 2004 and is designed to provide guests with a unique and local experience during their stay. Each Hotel Indigo property is designed to reflect its neighborhood’s local culture, history, and character. The brand is known for its stylish and modern design, personalized service, and attention to detail.

When we entered our room, there was the usual setup of a coffee maker, ice bucket and glasses. But instead of finding two bottles of water, there was an empty carafe.

The cover on the lid explained that to reduce the waste from plastic bottles, the hotel has opted to provide hydration stations with filtered water dispensers.

There wasn’t one on our floor (they were on “every other”), so I had to go down one floor and the water dispenser was next to the ice machine.

I’d seen hotels with water dispensers before, but this was the first time I’d seen it used as an alternative to providing bottled water. Another advantage of this dispenser is that the water is chilled instead of being at room temperature.

Some individuals may feel saddened by the discontinuation of bottled water, as they view it as a devaluation and yet another cost-saving measure implemented by the hotel. However, why can’t we have an alternative that’s both environmentally friendly and more cost-effective?

While you only get a limited number of free water bottles at your hotel, you can refill your container as often as you want.

I’d like to see this one catch on and hope to see water dispensers popping up at hotels during our upcoming travels.

Cover Image by Willfried Wende from Pixabay

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