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Airbus or Boeing? How to Quickly Tell the Difference

a close up of an airplane

Those of you who are aviation geeks just amaze me. I mean, you can just glance at a plane and know what it is. Me? I’m lucky if I can recognize a plane’s logo on the tail. But for the sake of, if nothing else, the ability to understand what my husband (the aviation geek) is talking about when he looks up and says, “That’s a Boeing 737” or “There goes an A319,” I found this, which helps explain the difference between the two:

Here’s a breakdown of what’s in the video:

Is it a Boeing or an Airbus?
0:54: Shape of the cockpit windows, especially on the sides (said to be the easiest/fastest way to identify if it’s an Airbus or a Boeing plane)
1.40: Shape of the nose
2:25: Shape of the engine housing

Captain Joe also goes into how to differentiate different planes, such as the A330 vs. B777, B767 and B757 vs A330, A380 vs. B747 and A350 vs. B787.

A few other ways to know that I discovered in my studies are:

So now you, like me, can say, “Look, up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s…a Boeing!” You’ll be a real hit at parties 😉

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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