Your Mileage May Vary

Some Of The Funniest Maps I’ve Ever Seen

Some people like to travel to the same places over and over again – maybe to a particular beach town, a favorite mountain resort, or Disney. We definitely do this – although we travel to many other places too, Joe and I have been going to Schlitterbahn Water Park in New Braunfels TX almost every year since 2006 or so.

When you visit the same place a lot, you start to get its vibe, and it’s often different from what a “one-time tourist” would get. You know what I mean. The establishments that are better, worse or more or less popular. Where you can get stuff cheaper. The neighborhoods that are fine and the ones you want to try to stay away from at nighttime. The restaurants that become your favorites. How the area has changed over time.

Anyway, a few years ago, I found a blog that draws maps. But they’re not just any maps… they’re of popular (and sometimes not-so-popular) locations. Instead of helping you get from Point A to Point B, they’re chock full of satirical, cynical and tongue-in-cheek humor regarding what can be found in different areas of said cities.

They call themselves Judgmental Maps and they’ve been on the ‘net (first on Tumblr, now on their own site, too) since around 2013 or so. They’re snarky, brutally honest and irreverent while pointing out areas of “carjackings,” “white guilt,” “Kardashian watchers” and “rich old people.” They’ve got a website with over 50,000 followers and a book that was the 26th best seller on Amazon in 2016. And lots and LOTS of judgmental maps.

Here’s what some publications have said about Judgmental Maps:

Here are some examples (note that many of these maps are several years old and may or may not be historically up-to-date. The reference to the Queen on the London map comes to mind first, but there are others, as well):

(Note: If you haven’t figured it out, many maps are unsafe for work, children, or people without a dark sense of humor. Most maps have decidedly adult language and adult situations, including stereotypes, racial comments, sexually explicit comments, and other potentially offensive things that could offend some people. They are written as a form of satire and are meant to make people laugh, but if you’re easily offended by such things, please don’t read any further, as you will see all that and more on the maps posted below.)

(I mean it – last chance! You have been warned!)

New York <– Click on the link for more examples besides NYC (i.e., Williamsburg, Long Island, The Hamptons, Plattsburgh, Albany, etc.)


Florida <– Click on the link for more examples besides Walt Disney World (i.e., Tampa Bay, Orlando, Delray Beach, Key West, Sarasota, Jacksonville, etc.)

California <– Click on the link for more examples besides Marin County (i.e., San Fernando Valley, Hollywood, Anaheim, Long Beach, Ventura County, San Francisco, etc.)

Detroit, Michigan <– click on the link to see a version with larger printing

London, England

Auckland, New Zealand

JudgmentalMaps hadn’t updated their website since November 2021, but on more recent views, I see they now have a map of Minneapolis that was released in March 2024. Hooray! Regardless, there are still plenty of judgmental maps (and even a whole book!) to look at – check them out at

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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