Your Mileage May Vary

12th Airport Now Allowing Unticketed Individuals Past Security

Way back when life was simpler, TSA checkpoints weren’t a thing. We’d just check in, drop our luggage off, go through a metal detector, and continue on to our gate. Friends and family could easily go with you to the gate for that last goodbye, or they could meet you there when your flight landed.

Of course, you can still go all the way to the gate at any of the U.S. commercial airports, even without a boarding pass, if you’re accompanying someone who needs special assistance before they get onto a plane. Through that program, you can ensure that kids or people with mobility problems or other disabilities safely arrive at the departure gate. You can even stay with them until they board the plane.

Airports began making it more mainstream

In the handful of years before the pandemic, a few airports were playing around with systems that allowed non-passengers to pass the TSA checkpoint, even if they weren’t with someone who needed the assistance.

Of course, they weren’t doing this out of the goodness of their hearts or so you could be in a good place for plane spotting. These programs were intended so people could potentially take advantage of the airside shopping and dining opportunities. In other words, the airport could make more money. Regardless of their goal, who were we to look a gift horse in the mouth, right?

The programs available now

Anyway, some of those programs happened and fizzled out. For the ones that turned it into a permanent thing, a couple has discontinued them (I’m looking at you, Tampa and Pittsburgh), supposedly “temporarily” (is a program truly “temporary” if it’s already been discontinued for 2+ years?). However, there are currently eleven airports in the U.S. that still offer this service:

And now #12: Nashville

a sign outside of a buildingNashville International Airport (BNA) has now become the 12th commercial in the U.S. that is allowing guests airside, even if they don’t have a plane ticket for that day. The airport announced the launch of the BNA PASSport guest pass program on Monday, July 1st. Thanks to the new program, guests who aren’t planning to travel can shop, plane-watch, eat, view art exhibits, or meet loved ones at the gate (for domestic flights only).

Airport officials say the passes are limited to 75 daily, and that number can be restricted to a lesser amount if required.

How it works

Like most of the other programs like this one, individuals will need to submit an application ahead of time – they can do this no less than 24 hours and up to seven days in advance of their visit.

The application includes an online registration form, which asks people to fill in their name, date of birth, gender (drop-down box), email and reason for visit (drop-down box).

Successful applicants will receive an email notification just after Midnight on the day of their requested visit.

According to the airport, guests with BNAPASSport access will be allowed to access post-security areas between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.

For more info, go to this page of BNA’s website.

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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