Your Mileage May Vary

The Hotel Service I’ve Never Been Able To Use

A while ago, I wrote about a hotel room with what I thought was outdated technology. The desk had a network cable on it, and I wondered who would use this instead of the Wi-Fi connection. Many readers informed me that a wired connection is faster, more reliable and more secure than Wi-Fi. That’s why people who worked on the road and needed a fast, secure connection preferred using an ethernet cable.

I was curious to see if this was true, so I splurged and bought the cheapest $10 ethernet to USB adapter I could find on Amazon.

a box of usb flash drive

Unfortunately, in the years since I purchased this, I’ve never been able to get it to work. My computer recognizes the adapter, but when I plug in the cable, there’s no network to connect to.

Not one to give up, I tossed the adapter and network cable into my bag of wires and forgot about it. That’s until I checked into a room and started setting up the computer. There was a network plug on the wall next to the phone. Maybe, just maybe, this one would work.

So I plugged the cable into my computer, opened up the network settings, and…nothing.

Skunked again. I’m guessing hotels don’t have many guests asking for a wired connection. However, this hotel is a newer build and is only a few years old. That means it was wired with network cables well after Wi-Fi was prevalent.

Has anyone been able to connect to the hotel internet using an ethernet cable? Am I doing something wrong?

Back to using the hotel Wi-Fi and my VPN to connect to the internet.

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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