Your Mileage May Vary

Can You Get TSA PreCheck With A DUI On Your Record?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), about 1.5 million people are arrested in any given year for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. That means that one out of every 121 licensed drivers were arrested for drunk driving. From NHTSA:

Every day, about 37 people in the United States die in drunk-driving crashes – that’s one person every 39 minutes. In 2022, 13,524 people died in alcohol-impaired driving deaths. These deaths were all preventable.

Even though it’s a serious crime with severe penalties, drunk driving continues to be a problem throughout the United States. This leads to the question…

Can you get TSA PreCheck if you have a DUI on your record?

a blue and white poster with icons and symbols

With DUIs being so unfortunately prevalent in our country, we’ve discussed them in relation to travel a couple of times on YMMV:

As for getting TSA PreCheck if you have a DUI on your record, the simple answer is “Maybe. It depends.”

The TSA’s official disqualifications

The TSA PreCheck program, of course, does a background check on all applicants. Their process includes looking at local, state and federal databases and checking applicants against the no-fly list, criminal records and other potentially relevant sources of information. Applicants must also submit fingerprints so that an FBI screening can be done.

In the end, the program only permits eligible ” low-risk” travelers to enjoy expedited security screening at airports. If you have a history with the law, whether or not you’re considered “low risk” or eventually can be considered such depends on when you got into trouble with the law and for what.

Permanent disqualifications

According to this page of, you are permanently disqualified from PreCheck if you have any of the following offenses:

Interim disqualifications

Or you may only have interim disqualification from PreCheck, and then you may be eligible after a certain amount of years. Also from TSA:

Conviction for one of the following felonies is disqualifying if the applicant was convicted, pled guilty (including ‘no contest’), or found not guilty by reason of insanity within seven years of the date of the application; OR if the applicant was released from incarceration after conviction within five years of the date of the application.

A person will also be disqualified if they’re wanted or under indictment in any civilian or military jurisdiction for a felony listed above, until the want or warrant is released or the indictment is dismissed.

What about DUI?

PC: 911 Bail Bonds Las Vegas / flickr / CC BY-ND 2.0

But for DUI? The TSA doesn’t mention it. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t count. Even if it’s not documented in their rules, approval for the program is still at the agency’s discretion.

With that, anecdotal evidence suggests that if you have been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor or felony DUI within the past 10 years, you probably won’t be approved for TSA PreCheck status. If it’s been more than 10 years, you might.

Because the TSA website isn’t super specific about how an applicant qualifies (or not) for the PreCheck program, the TSA customer service line is available for questions. Their number is (866) 289-9673.

If you’ve applied for TSA PreCheck and received a Preliminary Determination of Ineligibility, the notification they send should explain the basis for the ineligibility determination. You do have the right to appeal the TSA’s determination, and it would make sense to do so if you think they’ve made a mistake (i.e., you had a DUI, but it was 14 years ago, you were initially convicted due to your DUI, but it was dismissed, etc.) If you decide to go that route, consider hiring a TSA PreCheck appeal lawyer.

Good luck!

Feature Photo: Drunk driving (cropped) by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Pix4free

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