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The Travel Emergency Codes You’re Not Supposed To Know About

a plane in the water with a boat in the background

Lots of businesses have their own special codes for their staff to be aware of emergencies. When I worked in a hospital, “Code Blue,” followed by whatever floor, wing, etc., meant someone was experiencing cardiac or respiratory arrest. In many places, hearing “Code Adam” means there’s a missing child (it was named after Adam Walsh, a little boy who was abducted in a department store in South Florida in the early 1980s). Some of you may have heard of a “Code Brown” or a “Code V,” and frankly, I don’t want to be the one to clean either one of those up. 😉

The various codes have been established so businesses can quickly and effectively communicate with their employees without their guests, customers, passengers, etc. knowing what they’re talking about.

Travel-related organizations each have their own sets of codes, too. Like these…

NOTE: These lists are not complete; they’re just meant to give you an idea of what codes are used and why. Also, be aware that codes are sometimes standardized and sometimes not, so not all entities will use the same code, and some codes will mean one thing on, for example, one cruise ship and something else on another.


Cruise Ships


I’ll tell you – I’m really good with “the Google” and could not find very many hotel emergency codes. I think they vary from hotel to hotel or at least brand to brand. However, here are some from the Crowne Plaza in Dallas, TX, thanks to, of all people, Cory Doctorow (yes, THAT Cory Doctorow):

I also discovered that Loyalty Lobby posted a Marriott Crisis Management Guide in 2013 that included several phrases to disguise communications during crisis situations. You can see the list here, about 2/3 down the page. It doesn’t explain what code would be used if, say, there was a killer on the loose or a lost child, but I guess they’re all ready if an inspector entered the building. 😉


Some plane codes, whether for emergencies or not, as communicated to Air Traffic Control (ATC), vary from country to country, while others are defined by the International Civil Aviation Organization and are therefore standardized. Click here for the full list, but the most important ones for emergencies are:

If a plane has an emergency, they need to tell ATC how many “souls are on board.” The code for that is in “Levels,” using the numbers 1 through 5. Level 1 describes an event that could injure or affect only one or two people. And the highest number, Level 5, is if there are 51 or more people potentially involved.

The aforementioned Alerts could potentially be heard. If you were to hear “Alert 3, Level 4,” that means a plane crashed nearby and somewhere between 26 to 50 souls were affected. This could mean passengers, crew or people on the ground. Add “Alert 4” to the list – that means a serious emergency, such as a hijacking.

The London Underground

Feature Photo: picryl

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