Your Mileage May Vary

Crazy Things Happen at Fancy Hotels; Owners Don’t Want You to Know

When you stay at an upscale hotel, the general belief is that you’ll have an experience that’s above and beyond what you could ever get at a lower-level hotel.

a hallway with a carpeted floor

To some extent, this is true. On average, the bed will be more comfortable, soaps and shampoo will be a fancier brand, restaurants will be better, and the staff will be more involved in your satisfaction with your stay, etc.

However, for all the extra money or points paid for these 4- and 5-star hotel stays, the hotel management hopes you never, ever find out about plenty of things that happen at these establishments. Fortunately, thanks to the internet, it’s easy to find these dirty little secrets.

A while back, a Redditor known as akumamatata8080 asked the provocative question:

People who work at super fancy hotels, what kind of stuff happens that management doesn’t want people to know about?

Heads up: if you click the link, some replies are NSFW.

Anyway, the responses showed that these fancy-shmancy hotels have the same issues as any other hotel…and perhaps even more, precisely because they’re fancy-shmancy hotels.

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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