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Travel Tips Only The Pros Know (But They’re Willing to Share!)

a plane and a car on the earth is a social network where registered members can discuss and vote on content. It comprises millions of collective niche forums or groups called Subreddits. In other words, Reddit is a social platform comprised of subreddits.

I like Reddit because it’s a cross-section of anyone in the world who has access to the internet. Male, female, rich, poor, LGBTQ+, straight, and people of every religion and color of skin under the sun discuss life without the prejudices that might happen if they were together in person.

r/AskReddit is a subreddit to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. It could be something as serious as “What would you do if your partner decided to change their gender?” or “Death penalty – what are your thoughts about it?” to more lighthearted questions such as, “You get $100 if you can name something that no one has a fetish for. What’s your answer?” (that one is labeled NSFW), “If you could meet any fictional character, who would it be?” and “What food looks utterly disgusting but tastes incredible?”

A while back, someone in r/AskReddit brought up a travel-related question:

What travel tips do only the pros know?

Of course, what constitutes being a “pro” will vary for everyone…as will their thinking of whether they’re a pro or not, LOLOL!

Some answers were brilliant, some were OK, some even less so. Here are some of all of them (Spelling/grammar errors are original to the respondents. I’ve only edited for adult language):

There were close to 2,000 replies – click here to see the rest (and heads up that some might be NSFW).

What’s your best travel tip?

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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