Your Mileage May Vary

Studies: Democrats, Republicans & Independents Travel & Vacation Differently

We know how much politics has divided our country over the past few years, but did you know that conservative, liberal and independent voters even tend to travel and vacation differently?

MRI-Simmons is the leading provider of insights on the American consumer. Previously two separate research companies (GfK MRI, and Simmons Research), they joined forces in early 2019. As per LinkedIn, “With thousands of attitudinal and behavioral data points, gathered through ongoing surveys and passive measurement, MRI-Simmons empowers advertisers, agencies and media companies with deeper insights into the “why” behind consumer behavior.”

It’s already been determined that people who lean red or blue have different preferences when it comes to television shows, grocery stores, restaurants, hotels, craft beer, and the list goes on and on. So is it any surprise that their vacations tend to be different, as well?

a map of the united states

According to a NBC News’ report of MRI-Simmons’ survey, here are some of the key differences between the two groups:

NBC News showed how different destinations tend to have more left or right-leaning visitors. They used two popular tourist destinations: Branson, Missouri and Park County, Wyoming (the ski area on the eastern edge of Yellowstone National Park). Here are the cities where the most tourists were from for each of the destinations:

Denver Springfield, MO
New York Kansas City
Minneapolis St. Louis
Salt Lake City Little Rock
Seattle Oklahoma City

Parks like Yellowstone tend to get more visitors from big cities – which means more chance of flying there. But besides that, big cities tend to be politically Democratic. Branson’s visitors tend to be from smaller communities that are closer to their destination – so they drive – and many of them tend to vote Republican.

Yeah, but that’s from 2019. Times change!

Good point. So, besides looking at that 2019 study, I looked at a few things that were less than 5 years old. I found a couple of interesting things:

Not many modern-day studies

As much as I searched, I admittedly couldn’t find a whole lot of modern-day studies that delved into travel and vacation and political leanings. But if you’re willing to go further back in time, there were a few more things I found:

MMGY Global is a travel & tourism marketing agency. They did what they called a “Portrait of the American Traveler 2018-2019” and they discovered through their surveys that:

Skift reported on a 2017 Hitwise study of travelers from traditional Democratic and Republican states and discovered:

Hipmunk (may they RIP) surveyed travelers in 2015 and discovered:


Of utmost importance: Independents need to be included in more studies in the future!

Of course, all of this doesn’t hold 100% true – case in point, I am decidedly left-leaning, and I like to go fishing. Also, if given a choice, I would prefer a tourist trap place like Branson over the nature of Yellowstone. Meanwhile, I’m sure plenty of right-leaning people love the beach, a good meal, and going skiing.

But I bet there’s one thing we can all agree on, regardless of which side of the political fence we lean on: going on vacation is awesome.

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