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This Has Got To Be The Most Stupid Piece Of Luggage Ever

a group of luggage on the ground

I’ve been traveling regularly since the early 1990s. I had my favorite piece of luggage ever, in the form of a Samsonite Silhouette EZ Cart, and man, that thing went everywhere with me…Japan, England, Paris, Canada and ALLLLLL over the U.S. I loved that bag and even paid to get it repaired as it got older and stuff started wearing out on it.

Eventually, my EZ Cart was sadly beyond repair. When I finally had to get rid of it, I settled on a Victorinox. I liked it so much that when it needed to be replaced, I got another Victorinox bag. It’s been serving me well ever since, but I’m always window shopping for the suitcase that could become my next favorite.

In my search, I found this, which has to be, in my opinion, THE most stupid piece of luggage ever:

It’s transparent.

The Transparent Luggage Trend

All I can wonder is, what were the designers smoking when they thought this was a good idea?

I mean, don’t get me wrong, transparent bags are great when you’re going to a sporting event, a concert, etc. After all, it makes it easier and faster for guards to check your bag and ensure you’re not bringing anything prohibited.

But as a hard-sided SUITCASE???

It’s bad enough that everyone is going to see what you’ve got. But it means you might want to pack SOOO carefully, because really, who doesn’t want to see my bras and underpants more, me or the rest of the world? Which is to say nothing of when I’m coming home and all that underwear is dirty.


Several companies have made transparent luggage over the past five years, but except for one on Amazon, it seems most have stopped. Which goes to show just how much of an unpopular idea it is.

What’s Your Opinion?

So, if you have a transparent suitcase, please share…WHY?!?!?!

And if you don’t own one, what do you think of them? Best idea ever? Or just…stupid?

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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