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The Most Disappointing Cities In The World

a person lying on a step

Have you ever done something and it was just one big ol’ disappointment? I know my husband and I have. We even made a list of the 10 most disappointing places we’ve visited. And it didn’t include this place, or even this one they’re also both WAAAY down on my list of places I ever want to visit again. 😉

Although we don’t mind sharing what tourist attractions we were less than thrilled with, we never really went into what cities we didn’t like visiting. And trust me, there are a few. But we figure we might say we hate a particular city and what if, I dunno, you live there? How rude would that be?

But other people? They don’t seem to mind as much. 😉

The Reddit Question

A while back, someone on Reddit named u/0_7_0 asked their peers, “What city disappointed you the most when visiting?” It brought up a lot of conversation – like nearly 7,000 comments’ worth! I won’t go into every one of them, but these are the places that appeared to be, shall we say, a trend.

I’m including them in alphabetical order. Adult language edited:

Atlantic City








  • I visited Naples as a (F19) student in the late 80s. As I exited the train station two men offered me money for a pint of my blood, which they proposed would be taken in a white transit type van nearby. – WoodSteelStone
  • I drove in Naples – hair-raising experience. Driving up to vesuvius was so bizarre… like the set of a post-apocalyptic film. Soo much urban decay. Had to pay 5 euro protection for my car while we walked to the summit. Pretty standard. No plumbing up there… so 2 euro more to take a shit over a pit. Than a nice man ‘helped’ me pay the toll for autostrade… with interest. That said, still really liked the place… the poverty is double edged because it makes the place more rough, but also more authentic and visceral. – mdcation
  • A big guy grabbed my luggage at the train station, right in front of security and had to pay 20 euro to get it back. – carringtonagain
  • Agreed – my family almost got mugged in Naples in the middle of the day. I literally felt unsafe the entire time and we were only there for a day trip. – Beans20202
  • Naples, I think the best way I could describe the city center is as a sticky mcdonalds table –

    Napoli. I expected to see an elegant Italian city like Milan but i didn’t yet know the big North – South division in Italy. We got there, the whole place is run down, especially since we were arriving from Iceland, the polar opposite. It felt we were suddenly in South America, there’s no scheduling for anything really, if the bus driver doesn’t feel like driving, then no bus. At our hostel there was an Argentinian volunteer and we asked him of Napoli reminded him of Argentina, he said he felt so at home because it’s essentially the same. So yeah, very run down place. At least the pizza was delicious. – onehungarianboi

New York City


The Reality of Travel Expectations

I especially appreciated the people who were the most realistic:

Final Thoughts

For sure, 100%, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”

The first time we went to Paris, I hated it. HATED it. But I was only a young adult, not particularly mature, and the stuff Paris had to offer weren’t the things I was interested in at the time. One of these days we’re going to go back and I’m sure I will appreciate it much, much more (I mean, geez, the architecture ALONE…!).

People also dissed New York City. I ADORE New York. Granted I grew up there, so to me it’s “normal.” I never thought a NY accent would give me warm fuzzies, but after living away from there for a coupla years less than a quarter of a century now, it actually does, believe it or not.

Which just goes to show you that everyone has an opinion and opinions are never right or wrong – they just “are.”

Feature Photo: Tomascastelazo / wikimedia

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