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15 Maps That’ll Blow Your Mind

a map of the world

If you’re old enough to remember life before GPS, you remember maps. Back in the day, they were THE way to get from Point A to Point B, C, D and beyond. Nowadays we have the likes of Waze, Apple Maps and Google Maps to help us travel. But there are still plenty of good maps out there that help to make visual points.

A couple of years ago, I posted a piece about 15 maps that would blow your mind. There are plenty of other maps out there that are just as interesting; here’s a bunch of them:

The number of McDonald’s restaurants per 100,000 people in the U.S. and Canada

This map doesn’t include which McDonald’s has a broken ice cream machine, but this page does

A map of the world’s time zones

Fun fact! Here’s why time zone borders aren’t straight and equidistant

When each U.S. state’s population exceeded 1,000,000

Spoiler: 6 states still have less than 1,000,000 residents.

Even with this hotel map, most men still don’t know where they are 😉

U.S. counties with a life expectancy over 80 years

Hey, I live in one of them. Winning!

Most popular fictional characters from European countries

The most recent execution by hanging in each U.S. state

The longest stretch of straight road in the world

Saudi Arabia’s Highway 10 spans 240 km (149 miles) without a single curve, making it the longest uninterrupted straight road on Earth.

Approximate annual chance of experiencing a white Christmas in the U.S.


Literal translations of Chinese names for European countries

Every country that uses the MM/DD/YYYY format


Only kinda sorta a map, but this letter actually made it to its intended recipient!

I love this!

Europe’s most popular dishes by country

The highest grossing singer/musical artist/band from each U.S. state

The most popular sport in each country

Feature Photo: World map showing airline flight routes // PC: Kevin Reinhardt

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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