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The Significance of Passport Cover Colors (Yep, There Are Reasons)

a collage of different colored passport

If you have a passport and are from the United States, chances are your passport is blue. If you’re from Germany, your passport is probably burgundy. If you’re Egyptian, I bet your passport is green.

I always wondered why different countries had different colored passports. Was there a certain significance to the color? Did it ever change, etc? It turns out there are indeed reasons for all of that and more.

A History of U.S. Passport Colors

I’m from the U.S., so I’ll start there.

Most U.S. passports are currently blue but that wasn’t always the case. The first passports issued by the U.S. State Department, from 1780-1917, were just pieces of paper. Granted, they were “official” pieces of paper, but still… (before World War I the passport was typically a large [11 x 17 in] piece of paper, with a large engraved seal of the Department of State at the top, repeated in red wax at the bottom, the bearer’s description and signature on the left, and his name on the right above space for data such as “accompanied by his wife,” all in ornate script), but still… After WWI ended in 1918, the passport documents were made smaller and were folded and glued to a protective brown cloth. In 1921, they put a hard green cover on top of the green cloth so the passport would have more protection. In 1926, they changed their color again; from 1926 to 1941, they were red. From 1941 to 1976, they were green. They became even smaller in the 1970s. They switched color to blue in 1975 for the bicentennial and kept it that color. Except for one year, from April 1993 to March 1994, they made them green again to honor Benjamin Franklin and the 200th anniversary of the US Consular Service. As it turned out, my first passport was issued in January 1994, and it’s green.

My passports, issued in 1994, 2004 and 2014

Currently, blue passports are for regular U.S. citizens, but the United States also issues passports of different colors. Brown passports are for U.S. government employees, contractors and military personnel. They’re only supposed to use the brown passports for ‘official’ work, so they also carry regular blue ones for personal travel. Diplomats are issued black passports. Refugee Travel Documents are light green. They look like passports but don’t indicate U.S. citizenship. They’re given to refugees living in the United States when they can’t get a passport from their country of origin.

Passport Colors Around the World

There are generally four colors of passports – black, blue, green and red, although different shades of each color are used.

And now you know 😉

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