Airports. I think we all have something of a love/hate relationship with them. They can be bringing us on vacation or to see loved ones for happy or sad occasions or to a work-related something or other. And then, of course, we have to go back home.
Airports have a lot of good points and a lot of bad points. But have you ever stopped to wonder what you would change about airports if you could? Well, some guy on Reddit asked that very question. The answers he got – and there were almost 3,000 of them – were really interesting. We’ve included a bunch of them below; they’ve only been edited for adult language.
Asked by SpecialEffectsStevie:
What would you actually change about airports?
- The cost of food in the food courts. I’m not paying $15 for a wrap or a fancy sandwich that’s been sitting there all day, so it’s always McDonald’s or KFC or some mainstream fast-food chain because at least they keep their prices consistent, even if I don’t feel like it. (NewLeaseOnLine) (this was echoed in other replies several times)
In the UK airports like Stansted and Heathrow make you walk a full freaking mile along this winding path through the middle of booze and perfume shops before getting anywhere remotely close to a flight gate.
And what really gets me is you can see the old gap in the wall that takes you right to the gates that they have filled in before you walk the mile to get to the other side of that exact wall. (Next_Commento) (by the way, here’s why airports do that) - Have people stand back from the baggage carousel until they see their bag (lozziek)
- More seats, vending machines for cheaper snacks, and better WiFi connections (Fake4000)
- There has got to be a way to better streamline the security line. Do I know how, no, but someone out there probably has a really good idea to make things go faster while having the same level of “security”. The whole process of arriving and actually getting to your gate needs an overhaul. (gt35r)
- Definitely, the way we board. The back groups should board first to keep the flow of boarding going. Also, there are many videos online of how to make this process even more efficient, and i think we should implement it. (rivdog4)
- Cheaper alcohol and a Xanax dispenser (rmormelo)
- Just, let me feel like a person. Give me a little more space, a little softer cushioning, an outlet for me and the person next to me. For a place where I’m often expected to exist for hours, let me stay in that space in comfort for those hours instead of scrounging for space, power, healthy food, and any amount of comfort. (dojowit) (one of the replies to this was suggesting that’s what lounges are for. But of course, they’re not accessible to everyone)
- I would make it completely acceptable to taze people who line up at the gate before it is their time to board. (Pete_Roses_bookie)
- Some lockers would be nice. If I have to wait 3 hours for a flight, it would be a godsend to not have to lug a bag around. Now I use a backpack as a carry on, but still, your back gets sweaty after a while. If there were lockers I could just throw that stuff in there and come back when I’m ready. I understand there are probably security concerns, but, there has to be a way. (foxsable)
- Every large hub airport, especially those in areas notorious for weather interference (hello Chicago) should be required to have stranded passenger areas with small but comfortable (and private!) spots to lie down, and a store where you can buy real food, blankets, toothbrushes, phone chargers, etc. after hours.
(halloweenjon) - Trap doors that drop passengers into bins of broken glass when they try to board with oversize carry on baggage. (hamfart69)
- Put a post office in TSA security so I can mail the stuff that’s over the weight limit or that I forgot was in my carry on.
I’m a frequent traveler but I forgot about my body spray and new bottle of liquid hair product in my carry on once, so that was $50 in the garbage. I would have paid the $10 to ship it. (ktheway) - It still amazes me that with over 1000’s of people expected in customs, you get to that bit, and there’s like, 4 people working. What is this? xP
Pay border staff more, have a hundred of them on, and include play areas for kids. (SpecialEffectsStevie) - Something fun to pass the time like a strip club (ooo-ooo-oooyea)
- Have at least some of the restaurants open at all times. There’s nothing like arriving at a connecting airport after an 11-hour flight halfway across the world and finding out that every single restaurant and bar in the airport is closed because it’s 1 am local time. My jet-lagged brain wants dinner and a beer, but noooooooo. (jwaldo)
- All I want are bathroom stalls that are designed to accommodate both a person and their carry-on bags. If the doors open inwards, the stall needs to be longer so that you can maneuver a rollerbag in without hitting the toilet.
If the doors open outwards, the stalls can be about the standard size but the bathroom needs to be more spacious. Have heavy duty hooks at waist height that can actually hold a backpack. (curious_cortex)
What about you?
your turn. What would YOU change about airports, if you could?
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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary
Escalators stink if you ‘re carrying bags, and are impossible if you’re pushing a stroller. Ramps should be used instead, even if they require more space.
Fewer announcements. Nobody listens anyway. Why do I have to hear blaring, repeated announcements about how “The TSA has limited the amount of liquids?” Those rules have been in place for 18 years. And, why are you announcing this in areas in the secure areas of the airport? If I’ve already gone through security, what’s the @#$! point?