If you’ve read our blog for any significant amount of time, you may have realized that I’m a fan of Reddit.
Established in 2005, Reddit is an American social news aggregator, web content rating, and discussion website. Registered members submit content to the site, such as links, text posts, and images, which other members then vote up or down.
Reddit has one area called AITA. The initials represent the term, “Am I The A-Hole.” The community is defined as, “A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that’s been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you’re right, or you’re the a-hole.” It’s kind of like a “jury of your peers” sort of thing.
We’ve mentioned other situations from AITA in the past:
- He Played A Video Game On A Plane Without Headphones. Wow, Did He Hear About It!
- The person who wouldn’t switch seats on a plane and then got yelled at for ignoring the woman’s kids who were next to them
Welp, I was looking at the AITA section of Reddit the other day and found another situation where the writer was asking their “jury of their peers” if they were an a-hole:
AITA for booking a supposedly haunted hotel room without saying anything?
So my GF and I went to Long Beach, CA last year, and I booked room B340 at the Queen Mary hotel which is supposedly haunted. I didn’t tell her this, and when we got to the room, it had a bunch of memorabilia talking about the alleged haunting. She freaked out and got mad that I did that and she wanted a different room, so we switched (which sucked because that specific room was booked on a higher, non-refundable rate).
Anyway, a few days ago, I was watching the movie 1408 starring John Cusack with a friend, and my gf got a glimpse of it. It’s a movie about a haunted hotel room. This reminded her about what I did last year, and she got all riled up again. I guess she’s superstitious? So AITA for not telling her about this room?
So, was the poster an a-hole?
The original post is about 3 months old and now archived, but at its peak, it had a couple of dozen replies (You can read them here. Heads up that some of the replies may have adult language) . For the most part, the writer was determined to be an a-hole. However their level of a-holeness appeared to vary from commenter to commenter.
Replies seemed to go into one of a few camps:
- You Are The A-Hole – you should have told her ahead of time and this was a major thing; they could have saved her a lot of negative feelings.
- Mild (or Light) You Are The A-Hole – it kind of feels worth mentioning because some people are more spiritual/religious/superstitious than others and it would have been nice if they had told the girlfriend about it ahead of time, just in case
I tried to relate to this situation but it was difficult for me, simply because of the relationship Joe and I have.
First, Joe has some beliefs in the paranormal, but I don’t. Yet he’s the one who tends to make most of our hotel reservations, simply because he’s the one with the knowledge of our points and miles situation – that’s just not my things. So he could tell me our hotel (or hotel room) was haunted, and I wouldn’t care less ;-). He’s also the one who likes ghost tours and visiting haunted locations…which I just don’t get.
On top of that, we’ve already stayed in hotels where we didn’t learn they were haunted until after the fact. Joe didn’t seem any worse for wear,. And frankly, I still didn’t care. 😉
But back to the writer and the girlfriend – what do you say? Were they the A-hole and should they have said something to her?
Feature Photo: Kelly / Wikimedia
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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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