Woman’s Text Message On Plane, “We have Covid…shhh,” Sparks Fury

by SharonKurheg

You’re on the plane and getting your bearings. You see that the woman in front of you is older. Blonde. Well manicured nails. She’s texting on her phone. The screen is large and you don’t mean to eavesdrop (readsdrop?), but it’s just there, y’know?

a person using a phone

PC: tristydotj / Reddit

“We have Covid… shhh. That’s why we’re coming home a day early. On the plane...”

The woman in front of you continues with her conversation:

a person holding a cell phone

PC: tristydotj / Reddit

“When we got to the hockey game last night you either had to have proof of a vaccine or a negative test. We had neither so the guy let me sneak in sharing nana’d [probably meant Nana’s as in grandmother’s] but made dad go next-door and get a test. …tested him twice… [rest is indecipherable due to hair but last word may start with the letter P – “positive?”]

This is what happened to Reddit user tristyjotj – she posted the pictures on the PICS subreddit, under the title “Caught this woman sitting in front of me on a plane sending some very alarming texts“.

The post got a TON of responses – nearly 13,000 comments – over the course of 2 days. A few focused on the texter’s privacy. Others suspected the photo was a fake or perhaps staged. However, not surprisingly, most of the feedback was negativity to the woman who said she was positive for COVID:

— This is the total opposite of the woman who tested positive mid-flight to Iceland and then quarantined in the bathroom so that she didn’t infect anyone else. (marasydnyjade)
— Everyone talking about how creepy it is to read someone’s text when it’s even creepier to have a contagious disease that’s killed a lot of people and have the nerve to get on a plane. (sketchysketchist)
— It’s 2022, there is no privacy. If someone can see your screen it’s your fault. And This woman Suuuuucks (therealcharlize)
— Yup, my coworker refused to get tested before a trip because she didn’t want to miss going on vacation. (WayneKrane)
— Why does she have to go and ruin hockey for people like that.. This is why I’m skeptical of going to games now even with the vaccine check at my local arena. So frustrating when you can’t trust people to do the right thing. (XxNHLxX)
— I would have shown the flight attendants and they would have done something about it. This is inexcusable (toumei64)
— I had a positive preflight PCR on Friday, before I was due to fly home on Sunday. I’m missing my dads funeral tomorrow. I just found out that as of Friday I no longer need a preflight PCR. F**k this lady. (Mekazabiht-Rusti
— And doesn’t mean the airlines shouldn’t require a negative test before boarding. Completely understandable being pissed at a lack of common sense and decency (wistful_fistful)
— That’s so evil and self-serving (BangButton)
— The one big harm I still carry with me due to Covid is a borderline misanthropy I never had before. The naked underbelly of so many people’s narcissism and lack of value for other people (DarkMarxSoul)
— I did the right thing, masked up, got vaccinated. Got covid anyway which triggered a very severe auto immune response. Now i’m sick…and am i’m very poor health, and it’s permanent, no cure. Thank you Covid and thank you to the a**hole who was exposed to it, didn’t care and then sat in a car with me “well i allready had covid so i’m not concerned” well i didn’t have it and you gave it to me now i’m f**ked for life. (Bardivan)
— My dad did this and also gave me COVID this weekend by hiding that he was sick and not getting tested before a wedding. (SupaflyIRL)
*Inhales deeply*’ HEY! THIS LADY IN FRONT OF ME HAS COVID, I HAVE THE RECIPTS!! (RoninSoul – this one made me smile)
— Spreadnecks. I saw that the other day, and I can’t stop laughing. (egordoniv)
— One of my wife’s coworkers got on a plane day after Christmas with their covid positive daughter and the rest of their family because “they weren’t missing their vacation”. Well guess who got sick when they got to their destination, the rest of the unvaccinated family. So now they’ve been holed up in a hotel, sick as dogs with no creature comforts of home. (Nolimitz30)
— This is why the pandemic will never end. Selfish assholes more worried about their meaningless hockey game than the people around them. (yoku650)
— $10 says that her mask is under her chin or not on at all (dogdare)
— Yeah I’d screenshot this and have it sent to the FAA and the Airline. This woman doesn’t deserve to be on an airplane anymore. Give them her seat number and I’m sure they’ll take it from there. (mjv22)
— If someone on the same plane as me had Covid and I found out about it, everyone on the f**king plane would know. I’m a very loud man and have 0 social anxiety, especially when calling out a piece of s**t like this woman. I don’t care if the person was snooping, this lady deserves to be called out in front of a few hundred people for causing imminent danger to everyone on the plane. If you see something, say something. F**k her and the horse she rode in on. She knowingly defrauded a government organization. (xSTSxZerglingOne – who is my new hero LOL)
— What are your expectations for society at large? I have to work in this environment and just assume everybody has COVID and isn’t telling me. That way I’m never disappointed. (texasphotoguy)

Unfortunately, I think this is what we’ve come to in this modern-day society.

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