Whenever you sign up for a new credit card, the banks always try to get you to enroll for paperless statements. Instead of getting a statement in the mail, they’ll send you an email saying your statement is available for download by logging into your account.
If I have the choice, I always say I want to keep getting paper statements in the mail. No, it’s not because I hate the environment or that I want to keep the US Post Office in business. I’m waiting for the bank to make me an offer to change to online statements.
It took until Earth Day for Barclays to send an offer to switch from paper statements on the JetBlue Plus card to the online version.
It’s only 500 points but that seems to be the going offer for going paperless. Previously, Chase has offered a $5 statement credit to make the switch.
Once logging into my account and accepting paperless statements, Barclays thanked me for helping the Earth while reminding me that I can go back to paper statements whenever I want.
The majority of my accounts are already set up to receive online statements. I hate going through the mail and sorting credit card bills. However, I do like getting a paper statement whenever I get a new card. Until I get the account added to my spreadsheet, it’s too easy to miss the initial payment without a paper reminder. I know that the banks will eventually offer me something to change to online statements. They say it’s because they’re helping the environment, but we really know it’s because it’s cheaper for them to send an email instead of printing and mailing a statement every month.
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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary
I find it somewhat sickening that it’s more about the points than saving poet for you. Regardless of what the bank’s motivations are.
I just wish they’d email me the statement instead of making me login to download them.