Hi y’all! Here are the articles we saw last week, written by other travel bloggers, that we learned from, made us think or maybe made us chuckle a little bit. We hope you enjoy them!
- Don’t disrespect China’s sovereignty, or they’ll block you from the internet.
- The MOXY in London looks really cool and I’m excited to see what comes next from this hotel brand (Spoiler from Sharon: they don’t have Love Sacs like the one in Arizona!)
- I keep our United credit card for an instance just like this one: CLICK HERE.
- We love going to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and always paid the recommended donation. I guess we were some of the only ones who were because the admission charge is no longer voluntary for those from outside New York.
- I’m always tempted when I see a offer that includes having to go to a timeshare presentation. After reading this article, I’m glad I haven’t gone to one.
- If you’re a Costco fan, here are the best cards to use for your shopping.
- For my fellow procrastinators, Chase will now count payments made until 11:59 PM Eastern time as the same day.
- I don’t like sitting backwards but here’s the case for choosing reverse seats on airplanes.
- And finally, here’s one which is no surprise: American Airlines upper management is out of touch with customers.
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