Your Mileage May Vary

Get One Of My Must Have Travel Apps For Half Price

One of the reasons I don’t use an ad blocker on Facebook (even though I really want to) is because I’ll occasionally see deals for things I want. I know that’s the point of Facebook following me and pushing customized ads into my newsfeed, but I’m willing to play along if I can pick up some great deals here and there.

I noticed an ad for TripIt kept showing up. When I looked closer, I saw it was offering a year membership for TripIt Pro at 50% off.

a screenshot of a blue screen

TripIt is one of my go to travel apps. I currently use the free version to keep all of my travel plans together (and suggest you do so, as well). The Pro version usually costs $49 a year. I tried TripIt Pro on a trial basis during our big trip to Australia and Japan and found it helpful. Flight information and delays, gate changes and better seat notifications are sent directly to your phone. It’s wonderful to get off the plane and have your phone tell you which gate your connecting flight is, instead of having to search for one of those arriving/departing monitors in the airport.

I’ve noticed that I’ve been constantly checking my phone at the airport for schedule changes, gate changes, delays and whatever else can happen while traveling. Some airlines, like Delta, are great at posting information to travelers but others like American, Southwest and Frontier are not as good. Having a system that’s constantly checking the status of my flights has become worth the extra cost.

TripIt has been sending me these “teaser” emails alerting me of flight changes and asking if I want to upgrade my membership.

Still, I’ve been cheap and didn’t want to fork over the cash.

Well, not until now.

If you enter the promotional code BLACKFRIDAY, the price for a year of TripIt Pro goes down to $24. I’m a buyer at that price.

Enjoy TripIt Pro for US$24 for 1 year as a benefit of TripIt. (After 1 year, you may choose to renew at the then-current TripIt Pro price or cancel.)

There are also some extra bonuses thrown in for Pro members, like a four month free trial of CLEAR and a $25 LoungeBuddy credit.

I went ahead and paid the $24 to upgrade. I’m curious to see what the difference is between the regular and Pro memberships.

Offer ends at 11:59 pm on 11/23/2018. Offer not valid for existing TripIt Pro users.

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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