A Humorous Look At Disney Parks’ New Rules On Smoking, Ice and Strollers

by SharonKurheg

You may have read in the past day or two that the Walt Disney Company released some new rules that will be going into effect in regards to where smoking will be allowed, bringing ice into the parks to keep items cold, and limits on the size and style of strollers (although they don’t specify anything by name in the post, Keenz stroller wagons will no longer be allowed) that can be brought into the parks at Disneyland and Walt Disney World.

The full list of new rules can be found if you click here to get to Disney’s website.

Joe and I don’t smoke, bring ice or use a stroller in the park so the new rules won’t affect us at all, but my first thoughts went to those small mom-and-pop companies in Central Florida, that are unaffiliated with Disney, that rent Keenz stroller wagons, the large “Fantasy Strollers” that are shaped like a princess’s carriage and the “Spaceship” style strollers that look like the nose cone of the Millenium Falcon. Hopefully they’ll do OK with the change.

Hard core Disney fans appear to have some very strong opinions about these changes, and I’ve seen debates and even memes about why each new rule is good or bad. But this was my most favorite response of all…

NOTE: The spoken words are in German. I don’t speak German so I can’t vouch for the audio content (although heaven knows this video, originally from Downfall (2004), has been around long enough for lots of people to have seen the original film with the original subtitles. I just have’t, LOL). But please note that there are several adult words in the subtitles.

*** Thanks to Michael G. for the heads up on this video!

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary


Cookie Wright March 29, 2019 - 9:36 pm

Love, love, love this, especially the part about not being able to carry all the AP stuff he plans to buy (and, I’m sure, resell).

SharonKurheg March 29, 2019 - 10:21 pm

I know, right? I’ve always enjoyed the re-captioned “Hitler movie” stuff but I literally LOLed at this one 🙂


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