When Joe and I travel somewhere, we always put some extra thought into what we wear. Weather/temperature come into play, of course. But so do being able to wear things more than once, what accessories can make an outfit more “dressed up,” etc.
I just found out about a guy who has taken, “what to wear while traveling” into its very own category.
Sam Barsky likes to travel. He’s been all around the United States, and to several countries, including Canada, England and Israel. He also likes to knit, and he’s found a way to combine his two passions.
Barsky knits sweaters of iconic landmarks, then take selfies in front of those landmarks while wearing them.
Barsky is an American artist and something of an internet celebrity. He started knitting in 1999, after he dropped out of nursing school due to health issues. He rose to international fame in 2017, when an article about his sweaters was published in Imgur.
He uses no patterns; he knits his sweaters freehand, and just makes things up as he goes along. His sweaters have been displayed in multiple galleries and at the American Visionary Arts Museum.
Barksy has had an Instagram account since 2017, and he uses it to show his latest sweaters to his nearly 40,000 followers.




Barsky has been featured in Time Magazine, the New York Times, the BBC, NPR, NBC New York, Times of Israel and several other publications. He lives in the Baltimore area with his wife.
Oh, and if you’d like a Barky original sweater via commission, you’re out of luck, at least for now. From his website:
Do you sell your sweaters?
This is probably the most frequently asked question I receive. Reality is it takes me an average of about a month to make a sweater. Therefore, it is not practical for me to be a human sweater mill. I am exploring mass production for the future.
But he does sell mugs, pillows and tote bags with his sweater prints on them.
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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary
1 comment
I thought this sounded familiar! I saw the library exhibit last year that he mentions on this post: https://www.instagram.com/p/B2jeK04A-lj/