Your Mileage May Vary

Hotels Beware: Not Having This One Item Can Hurt Your Rating

There are several ways to research hotels online. Unfortunately, none of them are perfect.

You can search for reviews but then you depend on the search engine to decide which reviews it thinks you want to see. You’re also subject to websites that have paid for placement on your search terms.

Crowdsourced websites like TripAdvisor and Yelp give a bigger picture, but you have to be careful that the things important to the reviewer are also important to you. There’s also a market in posting fake positive reviews or having negative reviews posted to your competitor’s site.

I’ve found that the largest assortment of reviews on Google. While the behemoth has its own review system, it also shows the reviews from other sites. For hotels, this includes Orbitz,, Expedia and Travelocity.

a screenshot of a hotel

When I was looking at reviews for hotels in Reykjavík for our trip to Iceland, one hotel kept getting dinged in reviews for not having one particular item available for guests.


That’s right. Guests kept a 5-star review from this property because they didn’t have bacon on the breakfast menu.


Got everything you need for a comfortable stay. Clean and big rooms. Bit lacking here and there. No bacon at breakfast, missing bartenders.. but all in all a well spent 6 nights. Well worth!


It does what a hotel room should. There was even a view of the water. I would like to give it 4. 5 stars because the shower area floods and they had no bacon at breakfast.

I had no idea that not having bacon at breakfast could ruin someone’s vacation. Maybe if you’re traveling to a foreign country, you shouldn’t expect to eat exactly the same as you do at home.

So hotels, leave the bacon off the breakfast menu at your own risk.

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

Cover Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

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