Your Mileage May Vary

Hotel Review: Skuggi Hotel by KeaHotels – Reykjavik, Iceland

Skuggi Hotel is part of the KeaHotels chain and is located in Reykjavik, Iceland. KeaHotels operates eight hotels in Iceland, six of which are in Reykjavik. So I guess they’d be regarded as a local chain. The 100 room Skuggi Hotel is located just outside of downtown. It’s within a reasonable walking distance to many of the local tourist attractions and that’s from two people who will consider taking a subway or Uber to go more than 10 city blocks in Manhattan.

a map of a city

Skuggi Hotel
Hverfisgata 103
101 Reykjavik

We didn’t pick the Skuggi Hotel as it was part of our tour package.  Our first impression of the hotel was when we arrived after our red-eye flight from New York. Our driver dropped us off at the front door not long after 7 AM local time. We walked in, expecting to drop off our luggage and try to stay awake until our room was ready.

The front desk rep pounded away at his keyboard for a bit, asked for our passport and a credit card and handed us our room keys. We thanked him profusely for getting us a room so early and headed up the elevator to room #209 on the 2nd floor. Needless to say, the hotel was off on the right foot.

The hotel hallways were very non-descript, with room numbers painted on the walls.

The room was basic but comfortable. We had the equivalent of a queen size bed, which was two beds pushed together. Each of us had our own comforter, which was the norm in Iceland. This was one of the last hotels that provided a sufficient number of pillows.

We did try out the TV, which had several BBC channels. This was also the last hotel in Iceland where we’d have a selection of TV channels.

The hotel provided a fan, which was necessary as the room temperature was higher than we’d like, even with leaving the window cracked open as far as possible. I did my best photobomb considering I was on about 3 hours of sleep.

There was a reasonable amount of room to spread out, which was a luxury for our hotels in Iceland.

The bathroom was neatly appointed with a rain shower head and hand shower, toilet and sink. One downside was that the shower easily overflowed into the rest of the room, making a post-shower mopping of the floor a necessity.

As part of our package, we received a breakfast buffet that was the best we saw during our stay in Iceland.

Who can pass up eating Skyr with Nutella and a cookie for breakfast??

Final Thoughts

What did we think of Skuggi Hotel? After they let us check in at 7:30 AM and get to sleep and recover from our jetlag, there was little the hotel could do wrong. During our original stay and when we returned to stay for the night before the flight home, the hotel staff was a pleasure. From the bartender who went back to the kitchen to find a cucumber to garnish my Hendrick’s martini to the desk agent who welcomed us back after a week and asked how we enjoyed our trip around Iceland, everyone was great. The hotel was clean (to the point where I was shocked to see a clean towel after mopping up the bathroom after my shower.) Name a hotel in the US where that would happen?

I’m glad we got to stay with an Icelandic hotel chain instead of having to stay with a global brand. While we didn’t earn any points for the stay, I’d compare this stay to any review I’ve found from the Radisson or Hilton properties around Reykjavik.

Little did we know that this was the fanciest hotel we’d visit in Iceland. Is that a good or bad thing? You’ll just have to wait and see. 🙂

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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