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What All Hotel Rooms Should Have But Never Do

a room with a bed and a desk

Hotel rooms are advertised to be places of peace, comfort and a good night’s sleep.

Some hotels are very nice places that really do offer what they advertise, whereas others maybe not so much (and then there’s this place, that really tells it like it is, LOLOL!). And yet there are things that most of us wish all hotels had and most just….don’t.

Someone recently took to Reddit and asked, “What should all hotel rooms have but never do?” I think most of us can agree with most of the answers (note: some hotels do have some of the things mentioned. But by far, not all).

Obviously, a lot of these things would be possible if not for cost, or risk of being stolen. And some of them are actually available (corkscrew and phone chargers come to mind) but it involves going to the front desk. But still…sure would be nice, huh?

OK, travel friends – your turn. What should all hotel rooms have that they don’t (or seldom do)?

Feature Photo: Pixabay

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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