When Joe and I travel, there’s a rare occasion where he’ll have to bring a suit. We may be going to a wedding, a funeral or (humblebrag alert) we have this cool gig where we sometimes have the opportunity to sing in a choir at Lincoln Center or Carnegie Hall (yes, really!).

BTW, the 2 people singing out front? Nikki Renée Daniels and Quentin Earl Darrington 🙂
Anyway, Joe always brings his suit with him as a carry-on, because it’s the only one he’s bringing and we can’t risk it getting lost. However, if that weren’t the case, he’d be happy to pack it in his checked luggage. Well, except for the fact that it’d get pretty wrinkled. But now that doesn’t even have to be a factor. Take a look:
The incredible person in the video is Jacky Tam from British Tailors, 8-B Carnarvon Road, T.S.T., Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Although Mr. Tam didn’t specify what kind of bags he used, I suspect a regular gallon sized zipper bag would work for the shirt and a 2.5 gallon “Jumbo” bag would work for the jacket and trousers. Or if worse came to worse, the 2.5 gallon one for the shirt and Target/Walmart/hardware stores should carry the super duper sized ones, which are like 20″ x 24″, that would be big enough for the jacket and trousers.
Feature Image: Amazon.com
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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary
Now That was what one would call informative thank you. Other bloggers should take note instead of some of the dribble and rehash
There’s definitely something to be said about posts about miles, points, airlines, hotels, credit cards, etc. Nothing wrong with those at all; it’s all what someone is more interested in reading, is all.
Anyway, glad you liked the post – we’d love if you shared it!
Wow ! Will practice his excellent technique later today. Must visit his shop next time in HK.
The video is several years old, but I looked it up and the shop is still there.
Thank you, for this! Just before the most important business meeting of my life! (Oh, and are you two part of the Bach Festival Choir?)
We’re not – but we know several people who are! 😉 It’s just a choir out of NYC that we hooked up with several years ago, that does annual (well, until COVID) stuff at Lincoln Center or Carnegie Hall.
How cool! BTW, re: your reporting on Orlando, I’d love to see a post on the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts. The Bach Festival Choir performed Beethoven’s 9th at the new Steinmetz Hall there, with the London Symphony Orchestra, and it was so extraordinary, it actually brought me to tears. With Steinmetz open (stunningly beautiful and with acoustics reputedly better than Carnegie Hall) the building has now three theaters and one more to come. People don’t come to Orlando thinking about the arts, but once they’re here, the concerts — of all kinds — and theater at DPAC make for terrific respites from long days at the theme parks.
Thanks for the suggestion! 🙂
Great educational video! Heading to NYC for a wedding later this month and will attempt that method for packing my suit and dress shirts.
However, at 6’6″, I highly doubt those baggies will be enough for my needs. Perhaps I can use one of those bags that a 64 inch flat screen comes in?? ; )