I’ve always had a good sense of humor. I mean, some of my earliest memories include watching Charlie Chaplin movies with my dad (I was young enough where he had to read the captions to me [and I taught myself how to read when I was, like, 3!]). As I got older, I became a big fan of Dr. Demento, and I later hung out at an interactive comedy club for over a decade and a half (R.I.P. & Kungaloosh, Adventurers Club). I was also an occupational therapist for a couple of decades and if you didn’t know, people who work “in the trenches” of health care tend to have a very dark sense of humor. It’s a “if you don’t laugh, you’ll cry” kind of thing. Plus really…I’m 4’6″ tall – I am the queen of self-deprecating humor.
So mix all those things together and I have, not only a very oddball sense of humor, but also have an affinity for jokes that, I’m well aware, aren’t always in the best of taste.
Over the years I’ve discovered and saved plenty of travel-related jokes, memes and photos that are in decidedly poor taste, but if you have a sense of humor like mine, you might find them funny. So I decided to share.
If you tend to get easily offended…
…either in general, or regarding specific topics, you may want to stop reading this post right now. If you comment to this post just to tell me how horrible I am for posting these things, please know we’re not going to approve your comment (here’s why). We know these photos and memes are in bad taste; we’re warning you of that. It’s not my fault if you keep reading the post anyway and then get your knickers all twisted.
Case in point, this one got me in hot water several years ago because a woman who saw it had a son who was blind and, not surprisingly, she didn’t think it was funny.
I appreciate her feelings but remember that self-deprecating humor I mentioned? Well, I happen to have a friend who’s visually impaired. I forwarded the meme on to her AND her mom, and they BOTH laughed. So there ya go.
We usually maintain a PG rating here at Your Mileage May Vary. We understand that some people may be reading our blog while at work, or just may not appreciate “F bombs,” “S bombs” and the like. So we make an conscious effort to not include those in our posts. Heads up that we are not filtering in that way in this post. There won’t be any nudity, but there’s a significant amount of adult content and language in a couple of the memes.
Finally, copyright. I do not own any of the following photos or memes. They are all things I’ve “found on the internet” throughout the years. I would love to give photo credits if applicable, and I’ll also be happy to remove a photo from this if you can prove it’s your intellectual work.
OK. Ready? Here we go…
We’ll start with the Halloween ones because ’tis the season (Happy Halloween, y’all!) .
Remember when we wrote about why people clap when their plane lands? There’s apparently a costume for that, this year.
There’s also one of, “I’m a traveler, not a tourist.” (I love what’s not included LOL!)
Staying on the “disabled” page, there’s this (I bet they get to park the plane really close up):
And this:
A quick reminder that women can be pilots, too:
I admittedly laughed a little too hard at this one when it first came out. But it was an “‘OMG’ and covering my mouth” kind of laugh.
No explanation required…
I try to not even think about it…
This one looks absolutely legit and not particularly funny…until you get to the fine print. Because making jokes about all those town in Pennsylvania with the NSFW names never gets old 😉
And finally, there’s this one. The airline’s livery really had an ad for Cook’s Club Hotels. They’re a chain of hotels in Turkey, Egypt, Greece, Bulgaria and Spain that caters to what they call “a new generation of travelers.” The chain is adult only, which makes this photo even funnier.
Have a good day, travel friends!
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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary
1 comment
Very nice.. Very nice indeed!