Multiple AMEX Offers For Grocery Store & Insurance Payments

by joeheg

I’m on a roll with AMEX Offers. After what seemed like a lifetime (which in AMEX’s mind is about 8 years 🙂 ), I’ve been targeted for several decent offers.

I took advantage of a Delta Air Lines offer for $75 back after spending $300, which still has 2 days left, if you’re interested.

As I was looking for that offer, I saw two other offers on several of our cards. The first one was for 10% on insurance payments for a limit of $15. I have to pay my insurance bill; the most I get back on those expenses is 2% or 2 points per dollar. I’ll take 10% any day.

a close-up of a credit card

This one is good until the end of the year, but I will use it right away. This offer popped up on several of my cards. Since my accounts were open in different browsers, I tried the old trick of signing up for the same offer on two cards. Unfortunately, this back door is still slammed shut.

a red rectangle with black text

There were also offers for grocery store spending on two of our cards. The first one will be great because it’s on my AMEX Platinum Card, which I’m already earning 5X Membership Rewards on from a different promotion.

a screenshot of a phone

There was a different offer on my Marriott Bonvoy AMEX card.

a screenshot of a white and black page

Since this offer differs from the one on the Platinum Card, AMEX let me sign up for both. I can use the Marriott offer for smaller shopping trips and save the Platinum Card for when we’re spending over $150.

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