Thieves Try To Siphon Gas From Tour Bus, Wind Up Sucking Raw Sewage Instead

by SharonKurheg

I think you can file this one under “things nobody ever, ever wants to do…” And it may or may not be what you want to think about the next time your travels include utilizing a tour bus with a toilet.

Gasoline prices are rising again, which brings us to this story from The Epoch Times, wherein one or more would-be thieves in the West Central Australia town of Laverton thought (s)he/they would cut costs and get some free gas by stealing some from a tour bus that was parked overnight.

The genius(es) started a siphon by sucking on what was thought was the gasoline tank, but it turned out to be the sewage tank instead. Needless to say, someone got a nasty mouthful of, ummmmm, “not gas.” 😉

Police discovered the issue when they found the discarded cap and a bit of a mess next to the bus the next morning. “‘We can infer they beat a very hasty retreat, with a somewhat bitter taste in their mouth, ‘ said Laverton Police Sen. Sgt Heath Soutar.”

As far as we know, the suspects were never found, but no gasoline was stolen, suggesting that the would-be criminals already received a punishment of sorts ;-). Sgt. Soutar said that the police department, “have absolutely no interest” in tracking down the stolen goods.

And yes, I know that Snopes posted something similar to this in the past. And I understand that the sewage line in a modern tour bus is usually sealed and is accessible in a different way than the gas tank would. AND I realize that the story is from 2016. But you know what? I’m a 12y/o boy in a middle-aged woman’s body and it made me giggle. So there. 😉

Plus, I got all sorts of satisfaction from the thought of the thieves puking their guts up from their mistake. Because of karma. 😉

*** Thanks to Marian P. for the heads up on this story

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

1 comment

SharonKurheg April 4, 2019 - 8:03 pm

Maybe the police were done by the time the bus was ready to head out again 😉


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