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Complaining Travelers Prove That The Customer Is Not Always Right

an old man sitting on a ledge near water

At some point in our lives, we’ve all made some sort of mistake when it comes to travel. Joe once miscalculated when we would get to our ryokan in a remote town in Japan, and it made the staff rush and give us all of our dinner at once, which is just not how it’s DONE in Japan.

But sometimes…SOMETIMES…the mistakes we make are totally inconceivable. Regardless, whether they’re from naivete, not doing your homework, a sense of self-centered entitlement (that’s a biggie), a mixture of all three, or maybe something else entirely, a mistake is a mistake. And when we make a complaint because of our own mistakes, although I’m sure it’s a very serious situation in the mind of the complainer at the time, well, in retrospect, let me know if you smiled (or rolled your eyes) at some of these as much as I did 🙂

These are actual complaints received by travel agents, hotels and other people in the travel industry over the years, mostly during pre-COVID times:

Don’t tell me the customer is always right….;-)

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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