Sharon and I are by no means expert passengers for ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft, but we’ve been on enough rides where we know what makes us appealing passengers. I mean, my 4.75 star rating with Uber means I must be doing something right. I combined my thoughts with some Facebook comments from friends who’ve been drivers and I’ve come up with a few tips to be a better customer.
1) Be Ready When You Call For A Ride
This seems like common sense, but it takes an ounce of consideration to be ready to leave when calling for a ride. I know it might take 5-10 minutes for your car to arrive, but your driver might be nearby. No, I mean it! During our trip to New Orleans, we called for an Uber when walking out of Cafe du Monde. Our driver had just dropped off someone across the street and was right there, waving to us when she picked up our ride.
If we had been waiting for our check when I called for the ride, that would have been a waste of time for our driver (and something I would never do, but I know some people do). Uber now charges you if you have your driver wait more than a few minutes.
2) Pay Attention To The Pick-Up Location
When you call for a ride, the pick-up location might not be exactly where you are. When we called for a ride after eating at Cochon Butcher (also in New Orleans—by the way, it was a phenomenal restaurant!), Uber put our pick-up location on the corner, about half a block up from the restaurant. It’s not a big deal, but if you’re not paying attention, it might cause you to miss your ride.
And you really need to eat at Cochon or Cochon Butcher.
3) If You Want/Need To Sit In Front, Be Sure To Ask
You’re getting in someone’s personal car when getting a ride with Uber or Lyft. Or at least one that they’re renting. If you’re by yourself or with a larger group, it’s common courtesy to ask to sit in the front seat. I’ve never had a driver say no but being polite and understanding you’re entering someone else’s space goes a long way.
4) It’s Not Your Car, So Ask Before Eating or Drinking
When I get into an Uber, I always ask if it’s okay to drink my bottle of water in the car. I don’t need to; they wouldn’t say no. It’s common courtesy. I never imagine bringing open food into a car or even worse, eating in someone else’s vehicle without their permission. Even with permission, I don’t think I’d ever eat in a car. What if I end up getting McNugget sauce on the door? That never comes off, and I don’t want to have a driver claim that I messed up their car.
5) Act As If It’s Your Parents’ Car
Don’t leave your trash. Don’t slam the door. Don’t put your feet on the dashboard. Don’t change the radio without asking. Don’t adjust the A/C without asking. You’re in someone else’s vehicle. Act like it.
6) Don’t Expect The Driver To Handle Your Baggage
If you want a valet to carry your bags, pay for a car service. If you order an Uber X, don’t have a plethora of baggage you expect the driver to fit into their car. If you packed your bag to the 50 lb. max or have fragile items, take responsibility and help the driver load your items into the trunk. They might stop you and volunteer to load the bags. If you have fragile items, handle them yourself.
7) Tip Your Driver (and report the bad ones)
Of all the Ubers I’ve taken, I’ve tipped almost every driver. That is, except for the one who tried to screw us in Las Vegas by taking a longer route to get a higher fare and hoped we didn’t notice. Long story short, we did and reported his a$$. Ride-share drivers are just normal people like you and me trying to make a few extra bucks where they can.
They might be Disney cast members working on their day off. They could be actors, teachers, retirees or any other profession. Maybe driving is the only gig they have at the moment. Getting you from the airport to the hotel or from a theme park to a drug store is their only means of income. If your Uber driver provides you with a clean car and engages you in pleasant conversation or offers you a bottle of water, it’s a good idea to show your appreciation by tipping them a little extra. You can easily do this through the Uber app by rating your ride and giving a tip during the trip. This feature is particularly useful as it enables you to tip the driver right away, rather than having to remember to do it later when you receive your email receipt. So, the next time you’re getting out of the car, let your driver know that you’ve already tipped them in the app.
Lastly, if you tell a driver you left a tip, you better have left a tip. There’s a place for people who say they’ve tipped but didn’t.
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