Your Mileage May Vary

Unveiling the Wallet Shuffle: Crafting the Perfect Travel Card Mix

Photo by Lukas on

Before going on a trip, I have a ritual involving our wallets. I need to go through them, remove cards we won’t need when traveling and replace them with the cards we will or might need when we’re out of town. Unlike packing, where I have a list I’ve perfected over the last 20 years when it comes to our wallets, I have to make choices for each trip because every time is different.

Here are some of the questions I ask:

While I’ve read about making a dedicated travel wallet so you don’t forget to bring any of the cards you only need when traveling, I’m more afraid I’d forget to put something in the travel wallet like my driver’s license or my insurance card. I don’t think Sharon would ever let me hear the end of it if that happened (Note from Sharon: No. No, you wouldn’t BWAHAHAHA! Bad enough you forgot to take your passport once).

As usual, I take two approaches to making our wallets because while I’ll bring a different card for each category, Sharon will only allow me to give her one to two cards at most. So she’ll have one card in the front of the wallet that she’ll use for everything, and the card behind it if the first one doesn’t work somewhere.

Most importantly, for any international trip, none of the cards we bring charge a foreign transaction fee.

Joe’s Wallet

My travel wallet is pretty straightforward. Here are the cards I’ll bring with me and what charges I’ll use them for:

a wallet with several credit cards in it

I also added these cards to my wallet:

There’s one more thing I added to my wallet: plenty of singles

No, I’m not headed to go make it rain. I need money to tip the airport shuttle driver. It’s one of the things I always forget to bring with me.

I used to bring my airline co-brand card to pay for any in-flight expenses, such as drinks, meals, or Wi-Fi, because I would usually receive a rebate with those accounts. However, I have now added my airline cards to Apple Wallet because all of the airlines accept Apple Pay.

Sharon’s Wallet

I loaded Sharon’s wallet with the cards we’ll be using for most of this trip:

I sometimes leave the Hilton Surpass AMEX in the front of her wallet because we’re trying for a free night after spending $15,000. The only thing I ask is that she not use it when checking into a hotel unless it’s a Hilton property.

What do you do before you travel? Do you need to rearrange your wallet, or do you carry all of your cards with you all the time?

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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