Spain’s New Public Piddle Law Pits People Against the Pee Police

by SharonKurheg

Travel friends, have you ever heard about a new law that sounded so ridiculous that you just had to scratch your head and wonder, “How in the world did they even manage to get voted into office to make such a stupid rule???”

That’s exactly what’s been happening in Spain; specifically in Marbella, one of Costa del Sol’s best-known destinations.

a beach with buildings and palm trees

The new law

Apparently, back in May of this year, the city council of Marbella put several new laws on the books that were intended to improve the quality of their world-renown beaches. One of them was to fine tourists (and locals) if they urinated in the sea. Actually, its exact words, translated, specifically said, there would be a fine for those who carry out “physiological evacuations (bowel movements and urination) in the sea or on the beach.”

Oh, and how much was that fine for participating in what was being seen as anti-social behavior? €750 (about $817) for your first offense. Urinate in the sea again, and the fine would double to €1500 (roughly $1,634). So you’d be looking at close to $2,500 in fines if you peed in the sea twice.

a woman in a body of water

The question from everyone was:

How would officials ever know?

I mean, lots of people have peed in public waters and no one’s ever the wiser, am I right?

a man standing in the water with his arms out

So, as soon as the rule was announced, it became something of a joke. It’s been laughed at by commentators in Spain, with one TV presenter even admitting he had tinkled in the sea.

Nacho Abad, a Spanish TV presenter, even suggested telling his audiences to pull their swimwear down first before letting go.

“I recommend doing it that way, otherwise your swimsuit smells terrible,” he said.

One person being interviewed laughed it off, saying: “Who is going to realize someone is taking a leak, the jellyfish?” Another asked there were going to be police officers on the lookout. The pee police, perhaps?

two men in uniform riding a surfboard

Another said: “Let them worry about other things because this is nonsense and idiotic.”

Local newspaper 20 Minutos also stated that ‘urinating in the sea is one of the most widespread customs in our country’.

“We didn’t mean it!”

After several weeks of jokes at their expense, Marbella city council has clarified exactly how the law will be applied in a practical sense – and now it all kind of makes sense now.

In a statement to the Guardian, a spokesperson for the city council said: “The bylaw does not impose a sanction for peeing in the sea.

“It will not be applicable. The bylaw regulates possible antisocial infractions on the beach, just as any such acts are regulated in any public space such as on the city’s streets.”

When asked about the part that specifically mentioned “urinating in the sea,” the spokesperson said it referred to the fact that people might pee into the sea from the shore or from breakwaters.

Well, I’m glad that’s been clarified.

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

1 comment

lars July 20, 2024 - 5:06 pm

I once asked my pops what the difference was between peeing while in the pool versus standing outside and peeing into the pool. His answer: “an a$$ whooping’.”


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