Your Mileage May Vary

How Well Are Online Passport Renewals Working Out For People?

A little more than 2 months ago, the State Department began a beta release of its online passport renewal system. There are certain criteria of who is eligible to renew online, but it allows most U.S. citizens who live in the United States, and are age 25+, who are just looking for a simple renewal of a soon-to-expire passport (read: no name changes, etc.).

Convenience of doing it online

Being able to renew your passport online definitely has its advantages. You don’t have to fill out the form by hand. You don’t have to get photos printed. You don’t even have to give up/mail in your current passport while you wait for the new passport to arrive. And if you’re like me, you don’t have to go to the post office to mail the big ol’ envelope with everything in it.

a postcard on a car

Mailing my passport renewal in July, 2023: “As Samantha said, Godspeed, passport renewal application and old passport…. ($1.83 stamp artwork is Joe’s. He collected stamps as a kid. He has leftovers and looks for every opportunity to use them. I told him if he wants me to use them, he has to lick ‘em)”

But what about wait times?

The State Department currently says that the turnaround time for processing passports is about 6 to 8 weeks, or 2 to 3 weeks if you pay for expedited service (and that doesn’t include mailing time in either direction).

That’s actually a pretty decent time compared to a few years ago when the wait was typically 4+ months.

One would hope that applying online would cut some of your wait time to get your new passport, since doing things electronically tends to shorten turnaround time (i.e. sometimes you’d send you renewal application to one processing center and they’d mail it to another processing center. That would take extra days).

Apparently, that’s the case.

I scoured the internet to get an idea of how long people were waiting when they renewed their passports online. My searches were limited to various groups and posts on Facebook, as well as a handful of subreddits on Reddit. And this is what people are saying:

Of these 15 responses:

And the average wait time for all of them was about 9 days.

Nine days. And that’s without expedited service! Just nine days. As opposed to 6 to 8 weeks.

Of course, we don’t know where these people lived compared to where their passports were mailed from; that probably added some days to some people. But still…9 days!

That…doesn’t suck, y’all!


As a reminder, the online renewal form is only in beta. That means the government can pull it at any second. They also limit how many people can apply on any given day. However, most people seem to do OK if they follow the directions for when it opens for use every day.

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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