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What Happens When Your Plane Flies With a Broken APU

an airplane on a runway

During the boarding process of an American Airlines flight, the captain apologized multiple times over the PA system for a broken APU system, which caused the aircraft to be warmer than usual. As passengers walked down the aisle of the AA 737, their main questions were, “What’s an APU?” and “Is that OK?”

As travel bloggers, we know that APU stands for Auxiliary Power Unit, but even I wasn’t entirely sure of its function and how it would affect our flight. Once we arrived home safely, I took the opportunity to research what the APU does and, more importantly, whether it is safe to fly with a broken APU.

Please forgive me if I get any technical details wrong; I’m just a passenger trying to gather information. If there are any inaccuracies, I’m open to corrections.

What’s an APU?

From what I read, the APU is a smaller jet engine usually located near the plane’s tail. It runs while an aircraft is on the ground to provide power and air conditioning when the main engines are off.  In fact, the APU running the A/C can cause mist to come from the interior vents.

Air is taken from an inlet (normally under the aircraft) and this is cooled and conditioned in the air conditioning system and then supplied to the cabin for passenger comfort. In warm moist air the cooling of the air can cause moisture present to condense and this can appear as fog/smoke coming from the air conditioning vents.

OK, the APU provides power and air conditioning. What else does it do?

It turns out that the APU is also how jets start their main engines. Those big turbines don’t spin on their own, so the bleed air from the APU helps start the engines.

Since my explanation is overly simplified, here’s a great breakdown of what the APU does in a modern airplane, both for the AC and starting the main engine.

Now that I have a better idea of what an APU does, is it safe to fly on a plane with one that’s broken?

Is it Safe to Fly With A Broken APU?

As it turns out, the APU is unlike the main engines in that it doesn’t have maintenance standards.

Unlike the aircraft’s main engines, which require regular tear-downs at very specific time points for maintenance, many APUs are treated more like pass/fail items, allowing operators to run them until something breaks, unless, of course, the unit is part of an ETOPS operation.

We’ll get to the ETOPS thing in a bit, but it helps to understand that the APU is not crucial to flying a plane (most of the time).

If the APU is broken, the plane can run on ground power and ground air conditioning while at the gate. While the A/C will not be as good as if the APU supplied it, it’s something. That’s why on our 100+ degree afternoon, our Captain apologized for the broken APU. So, if you can plug a plane into the airport’s power and A/C, how do they start a plane without an APU?

Airports have air start units, usually called “Huffer Carts.” These external engines provide compressed air to help start a jet engine when an APU isn’t working. Once one engine is started, the bleed air from that engine is used to start the other engine.

When Can’t A Plane Fly With A Broken APU?

As you’d imagine, there are numerous rules when it comes to flying airplanes. If the Captain knows that the APU is broken before a flight, there’s a checklist to determine if the plane is still safe to fly to the next destination.

All aircraft have a MEL, or Minimum Equipment List, required before a flight. For a 757, here’s the MEL requirement for an APU:

Number installed: 1
Number required for dispatch: 0
Remarks: Except for ER operations, may be inoperative provided:
a) Both engine generators operate normally, and
b) Procedures do not require its use.

So the plane is allowed to operate without the APU, except for ER (Extended Range) operations, as long as both engine generators are operating normally and procedures do not require its use.

This explains why planes operating ETOPS, or flights scheduled to operate more than 60 minutes from the nearest airport, have different FAA requirements for their APUs than other flights. While some flights, like our trip from Austin to Orlando, can operate without an APU as long as both engine generators operate normally, it wouldn’t be the same for an ETOPS flight. 

Did it make a difference?

While the flight crew constantly apologized for the inoperable APU while we were boarding, it wasn’t that noticeable. Sure, the plane was warmer than usual, but that’s not uncommon for summer flights. The one noticeable difference was that the onboard electronics kept resetting, causing the fasten seatbelt alert to sound each time the lights flashed on and off.

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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