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Why It’s More Advantageous To Fly First Or Business Class In The Winter

a plane on the snow

I won’t lie – flying in first or business class is always better than flying in economy. You get to board and disembark the plane before others. The seats are bigger. You have more legroom. The amenities are generally better. The food is better.

But that’s not all…

If you fly business or first class, you also get to bring more stuff with you before having physical limits set on you or having to pay for it.

Baggage Benefits for First/Business Class

While most domestic airlines do not have a weight limit for carry-on bags, some do, as do most international carriers. Most carriers allow that upper limit to be higher if you’re in business or first class.

And what about checked baggage? Almost all airlines allow you to check 2 bags for free if you’re flying first or business class (if you’re flying economy class, being able to check even 1 bag for free is a novelty these days) and for a lot of them, they can be upwards of 70 pounds (instead of 50 or even 40 for economy class).

And why is that a good thing?

The clothing you wear in winter tends to be bulkier and heavier than the lighter shorts and T-shirts you pack in summer. So that higher weight limit is a big help when the stuff you’re wearing weighs more.

Plus, if you’re going skiing, you might avoid the additional cost of checking your skis as your second checked bag. First or business class status usually allows you 2 free checked bags instead of 1, and that’s definitely good news. Check your airline (look up “sports equipment” on your airline’s website) for specifics.

Is First/Business Class Worth the Price?

Of course, this is very much a YMMV situation. If you’re paying cash for your ticket and are very price-conscious, there’s a significant cost difference between first/business class and economy. And it’s one that the charge over an overweight bag or even an extra checked bag won’t make up. But if you have the extra cash (or even points) available, it’s at least good to know there’s that option.

Feature Photo: Air Canada

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