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The Reason Why High-Rise Hotels Don’t Have a 13th Floor

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Have you noticed that lots of high-rise hotels don’t have a 13th floor? Ever wonder why that is?

A lot of people say it’s because of superstition – the number 13 is unlucky and goes right up there with black cats and walking under a ladder.

Welp, as it turns out, that IS the reason why. 😉 But here’s some history about it…

Think what you want about superstition, but fear of the number 13 has been going on for decades. When skyscrapers started popping up in the early 20th century, triskaidekaphobia (literally, “fear of 13”) was rampant enough that the 13th floor was skipped when buildings went that high. 13% (I know, I know. It wasn’t lost on me, either) of people responding to a 2007 Gallup Poll said they would be bothered by being assigned a room on the 13th floor. And if you have many people who don’t want to stay on one floor of your hotel, that’s a problem if you’re a hotelier. So a lot of hotels just started skipping that number too, and their floors went straight from 12 to 14.  Even J.W. Marriott Jr. was quoted as saying, “It was one of the first things I learned: Don’t go to 13.”

In fact, the Otis Elevators company estimates that 85% of the buildings with their elevators don’t have a named 13th floor.

Of course, not all hotels skip the 13th floor.

And others are sneaky and find ways to get around it…like floor 12A

Or labeling it as M (which is the 13th letter of the alphabet) and/or designating it as the Mechanical floor.

How did the superstition start?

It depends on who you ask.

Is this followed everywhere?

Nope. It all depends on where you are, how much faith society has put into the superstitions above, and how much they cater to people who buy into the superstitions above ;-).

There are also some regional variances:

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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