What Some Of The World’s Crabbiest People Say About Some Of The Most Beloved Places On Earth

by SharonKurheg

There are some people who, I think, just live to be unhappy. You know the kind I mean…they always have a scowl on their face and wherever they are and whatever they see, they’re going to have a complaint. Here’s what some of these crabby people had to say about the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, The Statue of Liberty, Angkor Wat and Pyramids of Giza.

Eiffel Tower


“Completed in 1889, this colossal landmark, although initially hated by many Parisians, is now a famous symbol of French civic pride.”

  • From far away this structure seems to be very nice. But get up close and it looks like the rust will topple it at any moment. There’s a ton of construction work around the base and long sweaty lines of people cued [sic] up to get in. There are tons of people hawking trinkets around the “park” area around the base. Couldn’t wait to get out of there.
  • The queues are enormous, the journey by the 100 year old lift takes forever with the queuing, then you are pressed in like sardines, it’s pick-pocket capital and no wonder. Then we found out that only the first stage was open so couldn’t visit the top anyway! Nasty little cafe. The view is OK – if you like views.
  • Too crowded, a long distance to the Tower, unpaved, dusty surrounding, better seen from a distance at night when it is lit up.
  • Straight away the number of migrants sleeping rough was noticeable along with all the rubbish and the smell of urine. Large groups of migrant men hanging around made it feel uncomfortable.
    Paris was never a favourite of mine but I hope I don’t have to visit this once beautiful city again unless things change. (Note from Sharon: Know what? I’d be willing to bet that if Paris was a person, it wouldn’t want you back, either)
  • Eiffel tower was in my bucket list for as long as I remember. Dream destination, romantic place.. but in vain! There is no WOW factor to this place. Once you are there, you are not even amazed to see this wonder. No maintenance, no system at all. Long queues and dirty roads, ill maintained gardens and grass being watered by smelly recycled liquid.
    I can not even explain how much I was hurt. Hurt for having this place imagined to be something so elite.

Big Ben (Elizabeth Tower)


“Elizabeth Tower is the name of the famous clock tower which stands at the Houses of Parliament. The name Big Ben is often used to describe the tower, the clock and the bell but the name was first given to the Great Bell. The Elizabeth Tower was completed in 1859 and the Great Clock started on 31 May. The Great Bell’s strikes were heard for the first time on 11 July and the quarter bells first chimed on 7 September.”

  • Looks like a chode in a chastity belt. Couldn’t see naff all due to scaffolding. Bing bong disappointed.
  • I understand that it needs to be upkept, but to travel sooo far and the whole clock is covered. Maybe a better way could have been done, so least all the tourists get to see some of the most famous clock ever. So don’t go expecting to see Big Ben, you won’t. (this review was written when Elizabeth Tower was under extensive renovation for several years.) Note from Sharon: I wouldn’t – I read it was under renovation and had scaffolding all around it. So even if I traveled sooo far, I still wouldn’t expect to see it)
  • I was in London in May, and so disappointed that Big Ben (actually the Elizabeth Tower) was under renovation, and COMPLETELY covered in construction scaffolding (except for the clock face). So when I returned in August, I was excited to see the real thing at last.
    It was only then that I learned it will be under renovation for another 2 or three YEARS! (Note from Sharon: When you saw it was under such extensive renovation in May, did you REALLY think they would be done in 3 months?)

The Statue of Liberty


“The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the people of the United States and is a universal symbol of freedom and democracy. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886, designated as a National Monument in 1924 and restored for her centennial on July 4, 1986.”

  • It’s a shame that scams like this occur in the city. After a long bus ride to NJ you will arrive to a boat that is noisy run down and dirty. Very disappointing.
  • Worst place ever. I do not recommend anyone to go here because of the following reasons.
    1) Firstly you have to wait in the sun for 20 minutes for a boat to arrive. I wonder what would happen if it was raining. (Note from Sharon: You’d get wet)
    2) Secondly there is no control of the amount of people going in so the place is very crowded and unpleasant. The walkway in the pedestal is crowded and there is no space to walk.
    3) Lastly there is no AC in the security check or in the statue making it very unpleasant in the statue. (Note from Sharon: Sorry, air conditioning hadn’t been invented in the late 19th century)
    In conclusion I would not recommend anyone to do this tour cause it is a waste of money and can be unpleasant and make you very tired. This tour is hyped and the biggest waste of money.
  • Its just a statue in the middle of the water, not as big as we thought. Its also very expensive to go near by it so a trip there isn’t worth the money really.
  • Do we really have to be the country of bad fried food??? Yet everyone that served me was from a foreign country. I am sure there are some people from Jersey City looking for work. (Note from Sharon: This one had everything to do with the Statue of Liberty. Thank-you for your feedback.)
  • Not really much to see, i should have taken the advice on the web and taken pictures from the statten [sic] island ferry which is free. (Note from Sharon: You could have planned to do both, y’know)

Angkor Wat


“Angkor Wat is a temple complex in Cambodia and the largest religious monument in the world, on a site measuring 162.6 hectares. It was originally constructed as a Hindu temple dedicated to the god Vishnu for the Khmer Empire, gradually transforming into a Buddhist temple towards the end of the 12th century.”

  • Very disappointing to see the pictures on the internet and the reality. Too many…tourists. Very hot during the day time (Note from Sharon: You went to Cambodia. In August. Were you expecting a chill in the air???).
  • Very long walk in very hot weather. Not worth the effort. Dirty and dusty.
  • Welcome to Scambodia!
  • Nothing interesting . Only ruins . Disappointed to see that no serious effort made to restore the place. Must consider having wash room inside as well as senior citizens like me need to relieve myself very hour. Half the world is suffering from diabetics so all the more . (Note from Sharon: Whaaaaat????)
  • A load of old rocks. The building looks alright [sic], the history is mildly interesting. There are many older, more impressive and historically significant buildings in the world that are free to see.I was underwhelmed with it, looks better on Google Images. Save your money and look at some pictures of it, it’s so overpriced.

Pyramids of Giza


“Perhaps the most recognizable among the Seven Wonders of the World, the exact origin of these majestic pyramids continues to spark debate.”

  • Very bad experience, nothing to do. (Note from Sharon: “Sorry folks, park’s closed”)
  • The pyramids are nice to look at and are definitely something to see, however that is if you can see past the dying/dead horses and dogs and people harassing you for money on camels, coupled with overweight brits wearing see through leggins (Note from Sharon: Yeah, I always base how good of a time I’ve had somewhere on what other people are wearing…).
  • After seeing so many amazing sights in Egypt, the pyramids were a little disappointing. You see as much from outside the gate as you do inside…just closer.
  • got there and found its all lies as I can tell you in seconds how its built there isn’t a wonder the only thing that I wondered about was why people don’t tell the truth and not go there its dirty its boring its blocks on top of blocks its a litter tip and a building site with scum trying to sell you rubble. (Note from Sharon: I’d love to know how he thinks they did it) (Note from Joe: I bet that comment was from this guy:)


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AngryFlier February 13, 2025 - 1:01 pm

To be fair, some of the criticisms about the Eiffel Tower are quite true. The migrants selling trinkets everywhere can be aggressive and there are indeed a lot of vagrants around that area. It’s not particularly safe after dark. And the lines are epic. But it’s still a beautiful sight to see.

The stuff about “Big Ben” is just sour grapes. Sure, it was under construction and that’s a disappointment. Doesn’t mean it’s a bad place. It’s like if I moaned about how Notre Dame was inconsiderately closed and boarded up because they just had to have a fire a few months before we visited.

Christian February 13, 2025 - 10:54 pm

“Half the world is suffering from diabetics” Only the whiny diabetics.


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