My Biggest Pet Peeve at Airports

by SharonKurheg

For most people, being at an airport isn’t fun. It’s crowded. It’s loud. You have to stand in lines that sometimes feel like they take forever. If you buy anything, you know you’re going to wind up paying too much for whatever it is. There’s a whole lot of just “waiting.” And, of course, there’s always the chance that your flight is going to be delayed or cancelled and then that brings on its own stress.

When YouGov, (a global public opinion and data company) did a survey a few years ago to see what people thought were the most annoying passenger habits in airports, these are the things that were their biggest pet peeves. However, I was surprised that MY biggest pet peeve wasn’t mentioned.

People who have no idea of the etiquette involved in waiting for bags at the luggage carousel.

You know the kind of people I’m talking about. I mean, there are several different subtypes and you’ve probably had contact with all of them.

The Crowders

a group of people waiting for their luggage

You’ve staked out your spot at the carousel so you have enough room to grab your bag and get it off the conveyor belt. Except some idiot with no idea about personal space comes up and stands right next to you, perhaps so close that your elbows are touching. If you grab your bag and wind up swinging it, even just a little bit to the side, you’re gonna wind up hitting Mr. No Personal Space, because there’s no space between you and them.

On top of that, idiot’s brother is standing right behind you. Like, almost on top of you. I don’t know why…is he supervising? If he sees his bag, is he going to push you aside so he can grab it? So now, not only can’t you swing your bag, you also can’t grab the bag and simply take a step back, or you’ll bump into Brother of Idiot.

Look, those carousels are frickin’ huge. You don’t HAVE to stand right on top of everyone else if you get there later than them. Walk a few extra feet, find an empty space and stand there.

The Cutters

Oh, and the ones who are even more exasperating than the crowders? The cutters.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not one to stand right at the edge of the carousel. I mean, I know there are going to be a couple of bags that stick out beyond the edge of the conveyor belt, so I stand back a little bit so my legs don’t get hit by suitcases as they pass by. So let’s say I’m a foot or two away from the carousel, yes? Invariably some a-hole will decide the best place to stand to wait for their luggage is right in front of me, in that “buffer zone” I made between me and the carousel. I mean, really? REALLY?

Now granted, I’m a little person – only 4’6″ tall. So someone standing directly in front of me means not only can I reach nothing, but I also can’t even see the carousel anymore. But even if you’re an average-sized person, having someone who’s slithered directly in front of you will still make your trying to get your bag that much harder.

Again, carousels are big, big things. Don’t cut in front of someone; go somewhere else.

Line? What line?

a conveyor belt in an airport

Granted, not every carousel has this feature. But many have a line about 2 feet or so away from the carousel. There may even be signs that ask patrons to not go past the line until they’re grabbing their luggage.

If people followed the written instructions and stayed behind the line, there would be plenty – and I mean PLENTY – of space for each person to see their bag, step up to get it, and even swing it around like a discus, if they wanted.

But many don’t. They still just hang out directly in front of the carousel, so everyone is crowded in, making it that much harder to retrieve your bags.

Do something with your KIDS!

a woman and two children at a baggage claim area

And finally, there’s the kid situation. Why do people allow their kids to stand right at the carousel?

I don’t mean the families where it’s just 1 adult and 1 young kid and the kid needs to be supervised. I mean the ones where there’s a nuclear family and the 3-year-old and 5-year-old are both right there with Parent #1, right at the edge of the carousel, watching for the luggage to show up, while Parent #2 is off to the side, sitting on a bench and waiting.

It’s not like a 3-year-old, or even a 5-year-old is going to be able to help get a full-sized 49-pound suitcase off the carousel. But they COULD wind up getting bonked in the head by the discus thrower next to them. Or get their fingers caught between 2 moving bags. To say nothing of potentially adding to the crowding at the carousel.

Older kids who are big and strong enough to actually get the luggage off the carousel safely? Sure, utilize them. Especially when your group needs to get multiple bags off the conveyor belt. But the little ones? PLEASE keep them away from the carousel.

There ought to be a law…

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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