There was a time, a few decades ago, when checking out of your hotel was just as important as checking in. There were a few reasons for this:
You had to pay the bill
For a long time, hotel guests were trusted to pay their hotel bill upon check out. Of course, this was before everyone had credit or debit cards. Instead, they’d settle up the bill at check out and pay with travelers checks (which are still a thing, believe it or not) or even cash.
You had to return the key
Nowadays the vast majority of hotels use electronic key cards, which many consider to be disposable. But there was a time (for some places, it was less than a decade ago) when people used actual keys to lock and unlock the door of their hotel. You couldn’t just throw them out like so many do key cards nowadays (well, I suppose you could, but who’d throw out a key?).
FUN FACT for you youngins’ out there. See where the key ring above says “Drop in any box / We guarantee postage?” They used to do that because if a hotel key was lost, the hotel would have to call a locksmith to change the lock. That would be pretty costly. But if someone returned the key via U.S. mail, and the hotel was willing to pay the postage, that would be cheaper than calling the locksmith.
Anyway, those are 2 reasons why people “had” to check out, way back when.
What about nowadays?
Nowadays, it really depends on the person and the hotel.
Reasons to formally check out
Double checking everything
Some people just want to make sure everything is right with the bill, so they don’t get any surprises a few hours, days or weeks after they leave.
Gives staff a heads up
This is more of a courtesy than anything. But when you formally check out, especially if you do it before “official check out time,” hotel staff know you’re gone. That gives housekeeping a heads up that they can start preparing the room for the next guest.
Reasons to skip checking out
Short on time
Probably a no brainer, but if you’re checking out, it means taking the time to do so. That could mean standing in the queue until it’s your turn and that’s minutes of your life that you’ll never get back 😉
Auto check out
Some hotels allow you to check out automatically. Check your bill online, your credit card is already in their system, drop off your key if you feel like it (I know some people are iffy about giving electronic keys back, for fear of the personal information on them. Here’s what’s stored on those keys) and off you go, no formal check out required.
Which are you?
Are you on Team Check Out? Or do you check the bill on your phone and leave?
In our house, my tendency is to just leave. My husband, on the other hand? He almost always formally checks out. I know to give him my key card so he can return them (his and mine), even though he knows he doesn’t have to.
How about you?
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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary