One Million Moms Accuses Hilton Hotels of “Glamorizing Sin”

by SharonKurheg

One Million Moms, or OMM, is a small advocacy group for social conservatism, created by – and a front group for – the American Family Association.

OMM’s mission is to oppose the “immorality, violence, vulgarity and profanity” of modern media, generally by attempting to stir public outcry. Specifically, they have opposed television shows such as Glee, The Playboy Club, Skins, and GCB (originally Good Christian B**ches) – citing these shows’ normalization of homosexuality or a perceived anti-Christian bias.

It’s estimated that One Million Moms has less than 100,000 members.

Who they’ve gone against

OMM has a long history of boycotting and petitioning entities they feel are advocating sin. JC Penney (they used Ellen DeGeneres as their spokesperson), Marvel & DC Comics (they had gay characters), GEICO (a pig in a car with a girl suggested bestiality), Campbell’s Soup (they had a commercial that included a kid with 2 dads), Oreos (a commercial with queer kids in loving homes), Disney (Pixar had a gay couple in its short film called “Out”), The Hallmark Channel (a commercial on their station featured 2 brides kissing), Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade (they included non-binary people), and Burger King (they used the word “damn” in one of their ads), among others, have all be in the crosshairs of OMM in the past decade and change.

And now it’s apparently Hilton Hotels’ turn.

Why are they against Hilton?

According to OMM’s website, Hilton Hotels “finds it necessary to flaunt an alternative lifestyle to sell their services” and “is “attempting to glamorize sin” in their latest “Hilton. For The Stay” TV commercial.

The ad features Paris Hilton, who’s holding a small dog, while entering a Hilton hotel lobby. She’s wearing a pink dress and shoes. Other people in the lobby are also wearing all pink, as well as blonde wigs. People in the commercial have lines such as “Hilton Honors slays,” “That’s hot,” etc.

Here’s the commercial in question:

What’s so wrong about that?

OMM says on their website:

Hilton is attempting to normalize the LGBTQ lifestyle with its liberal advertising choices. A recent Hilton Honors commercial, “Celebrity Treatment,” focuses on several hotel guests in the lobby, including Paris Hilton and other celebrities, wearing flamboyant, pink clothing and accessories.

The hotel chain is obviously pushing the LGBTQ agenda with this commercial, which depicts individuals, couples, and families, all in obviously gender-confused roles. As such, the ad features actors portraying multiple homosexual and transgender characters. The commercial blatantly throws the LGBTQ lifestyle in the viewer’s face while also promoting the inclusivity of Hilton Honors by declaring, “When you want the celebrity treatment no matter who you are, ‘It Matters Where You Stay.’”

They continue by explaining how the ad is inappropriate, and how it pushes away conservative guests.

“But One Million Moms continues to stand up for biblical truth, including passages such as Romans 1:26-27, which prohibits sexual perversion of this type.” They finish with a reminder that, “…scripture repeatedly states that homosexuality is wrong, and God will not tolerate this sinful behavior.”

And they have a petition to urge Hilton to pull the ad. To date, they’ve gotten less than 12,000 signatures.

RainbowYouthProjectUSA wrote about the petition a couple of days ago:

The response has been what you’d think it’d be:

  • You mean they are complaining to Hilton about people dressing like Paris Hilton … um OK — Any Mountain
  • Is there a pro petition for the rest of us? to Thank them? — Podycat
  • @HiltonHotels Good on ya. — SosezMez
Yeah, I don’t think Hilton Hotels has anything to worry about.


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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary


JRG March 26, 2024 - 3:32 pm

Hilarious. A bunch of women with terrible lives who like to think they can change the world to their cave women thinking or something.
(Commented edited by YMMV to comply with rules for commenting)

BCF March 26, 2024 - 7:59 pm

Even by far right standards this one doesn’t make any sense. Flamboyant dressing is somehow only a gay thing? What do they think of Dolly Parton or Shania Twain then? And the pink thing is even funnier. Just straight out old school sex stereotypes. Nobody seriously clams a guy is gay for wearing pink since Miami Vice.

Don March 27, 2024 - 3:02 pm

The mom group has a right to to boycott,Hilton has a right to make the commercial, and those who like the commercial have the right to sign a petition thanking Hilton for making it. This is the U.S. of A., where people have the right to express themselves in a peaceful manner.

In some countries, where religion is the law, like some Middle Eastern countries, the (Evangelical) Christian group may be banned, especially a group of women voicing an opinion; Hilton may not be allowed to broadcast such a commercial; and anyone who supported such lifestyles could be punished and jailed. And this website could be monitored or shut down by the government for publishing articles of a prohibited nature.

SharonKurheg March 27, 2024 - 3:38 pm

You’re right, “Don”…they have every right to boycott Hilton. And their fellow Americans in the U.S. of A. have every right to say how silly they think those moms are.


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